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Everything posted by parello9

  1. Looking at a set of wheels for the 70 Would these be ok to run on the car and fit? I was thinking tyres are going to have to be stretched 20" wheels Front 10.5j et32 Rear 12j et25 They are off a R35GTR so i would think it would be similar with brembo brakes too? Thanks guys
  2. good to see you finally have a build thread up so you going for the nismo wheels? If your free tomoz your more than welcome to come pick up the skirts
  3. Watched it in 4DX Epic film and the moving seats make you feel like you are in the car with them also when they do burnouts you get real smoke haha Only reason im into my cars is cause of these films. Rest in peace Paul! Such a sad times
  4. Ima drive to marks house and take a nose later lol
  5. Yeah 100% be fine.. plus the sideskirts have been painted recently in the last 12 months
  6. Im thinking of doing this for the 70 nismo bumper Want the cleanest look possible
  7. I want the amuse but cant afford it lol plus armytrix is what you would have to go for!
  8. really want that exhaust myself thinking of changing my stillen system just cause i like the style of the ark haha What was Mark doing down that way?
  9. liking that bumper, vents look bigger!
  10. hmmm would they go on a 370
  11. will be good to see how you get on with the coilovers
  12. Thanks man i have been keeping a eye on your build looks very good! mine may change colour soon
  13. How would these compare to BC Racing coilovers? Did you run them on your 70?
  14. I've only just got the kit on.. give me a chance lol Ive got a few things to get painted first too (handles badges) 20" wheels on 370z is a bit too big, the car doesn't look natural anymore, the Nismo 19" wheels are by far the best you can do on the 370z, specially with the nismo body kit. Let's do a swap with your OEM wheels PM incoming I've wanted to mod a 370z so long hopefully catch ya at a show they wont be i dont think, dont worry haha!! This one im keeping Greg your comment did make me laugh though 20" wheels on 370z is a bit too big, the car doesn't look natural anymore, the Nismo 19" wheels are by far the best you can do on the 370z, specially with the nismo body kit. Let's do a swap with your OEM wheels Now there is an offer! Nismo wheels in black Hmmmm gotta think about it
  15. Its tuned to be quiker than a nismo so may aswell be abit faster Also the other wheels maybe forgestars but still leaning towards vossen decisions decisions I did think about nismo wheels but i want 20"
  16. I do agree but i think in 10.5 wide will set it off when the tyres are tucked too On the other hand i do like abut of dish
  17. Thanks man And yes that's what I'm doing the same colour as you say i prefer the US all one colour too, it wont be grey thats for sure Also thinking of getting Vossen wheels Still a little bit undecided as they cost a fair whack and im seeing what else i can get for the price, but think these are number 1 for me at the min The car will be changing colour and i have 2 colours in my mind
  18. Haha yeah i did think that myself the colour difference is making it stand out alot though! I did think a few people would notice with the forsale thread Nd yeah nismo looks pukka when its on! Cant decide on colour yet either
  19. Hey grundy Ive paid i need reding out too lol
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