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Everything posted by parello9

  1. Yeah i was always coming but FastCar gave me free tickets to go on their stand and i mangaed to blag my old/ex 350 in lool.. I did walk round the 350 stand though have to try not to traitor next time haha
  2. I was being traitor but i wanted to meet my Ex! haha.. We were both on the FastCar stand
  3. Saw everyone's cars today looking on point!
  4. When this thread was made my car was standard
  5. okay so just been enjoying the car lately and trying to go to as many shows as i can as i couldn't last year Just a random few pics I also Won judges choice at Santapod which im proud of Got a lot of media attention lately as well on a bunch of soical networks Hate or Love it lol But Dare to be different!
  6. Mine now since its been back to abbey has more torque but only have fitted the decats since all the other mods were done! much better pick up
  7. ok il have to get it looked at tomorrow then Seems like a common problem though espically U.S
  8. ok i ill have to see that then first.. even if its super hard to get in and out of gear? what fluid would be best for the 70?
  9. Ok so the clutch pedal isnt coming back up like it usually is after a spirited drive round the countryside Had to pull the pedal back up with my foot! Would this be the common slave cyclinder problem? What have people done to fix this issue? Ive got Trax on sunday rememebr too! Will it need an upgraded part or standard? Will a standard part just not do the same? Car is only covered just over 30k miles?
  10. I bought one for work thats all What a mission it is to get on lol! I gave up as it was dragging on the floor seems il do damage getting it on
  11. Thanks for that im going to have a look tomorrow then for that exact one will help just incase i need to park near a tree at any point so can just whip this bad boy out
  12. That's exactly what im kind of after! Think a trip to halfords is in order! So its all ok with the wing etc ? Nothing can seep through either can it? Bird droppings etc
  13. i thought they were about 50 lol but im finding them at 140 lol
  14. I want an outdoor one for every now and then.. saw some up at 140 didn't realize they cost so much What outdoor ones?
  15. Anyone got one or using one of these? Thinking of getting one but unsure of the fitments and whats best? Had a quick search didnt find much
  16. Hey i know this is an old topic But how did you get on with the car cover in the end? Been looking into it recently
  17. ive got rear brake lines for sale too anyone lol
  18. Quite a few dotted around i thought
  19. lol not sure how that would work then
  20. Hi Just wondering if anyone has these laying around or fancy letting me borrow any to see if they are enough fitment for my wheels Or if anyone knows where i can try the size out Located bedfordshire Thanks
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