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About parello9

  • Birthday 15/06/1991


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  1. Mate are you looking for a car or a front bumper😅 this is a for sale thread for the whole car ☺️
  2. Does anyone want to offer as i need an rs5 back in my life asap 🥲
  3. It is ha! Thats why i dont like it, was going to sell and get a tomei
  4. Ive got a stillen catback system on mine im thinking of switching £900?
  5. No its the real stillen bumper with air ducts going through the sides and middle slit for extra cooling for the charger, extra perfo😝rmance
  6. You just need a stillen bumper for the extra cooling 😉
  7. Engine bay looks fresh! Didn’t realise the stillen engine cover was extra, i have it without even knowing
  8. First 20 plate Z Ive seen! looks like you’ve got your new one quickly
  9. Cost price is £30 but the salesman gets paid off it and the dealership obviously, they have monthly targets for it so you they do try force it go on ebay its all on there too
  10. Ah no way! That will be £8000 easy now! They offered peanuts for my Z but tbf the price was during lockdown
  11. Was keeping an eye for this where did you sell it
  12. Finally sold it in the end, lost the love 6 years on Will be missed!
  13. You could do a boot build for your air ride i joke! Looks mega!!
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