Hi guys - time for a new car - something a bit more fun for a 25 year old than the current 1.6 Citroen C4 VTR+ 3 door! Decided on a 350z when I change to a new job closer to home, so would be looking to buy later in the year. Have had a look at a few models in the flesh (nearly put off by the state of one I saw in a Stockport (non-Nissan) dealer..... ) and liking what I see!
Just a few questions to ask you good people!
Obviously going to go with the GT pack as I can't live without cruise - but what are your personal experiences with the roadster vs the coupé? I'm thinking probably the coupé is the more sensible choice - any big differences to be aware of? Also read somewhere on the interwebs about your head being up in the airflow with the top down (I'm 5'10")?
Also, coming from a no-frills Diesel FWD motor, any particular things to be aware of and any big driving style changes when going to a much more meaty RWD car? Wouldn't be using it as a track car at all - no time!
What is the situation regarding phone connectivity (iPhone 5, all hail Apple )
Finally, what are your experiences regarding fuel consumption - will hopefully be biking/bussing/tramming to work most days so it would be a weekend car with occasional commutes.
Now, to get saving...