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Everything posted by LaurenAmy

  1. Thank you, it definately could of! Well to be honest we got off lightly compared to the 6 other cars that were taken of people and the one person who just abandoned their car at the police station other wise they would of ended up paying about 6000 euros in solicitors fees etc!!!
  2. Well to book your place to go which includes ferry over there, all accomodation and club entry was about £1100, then was spending about 150euro's a day, and food etc is expensive in Europe and our fine was 1200 Euro so all about £4k...maybe a bit more Would of been better without the fine!!!!!!!!!
  3. Some things like the hotels werent great, and the locations of them to the clubs etc, I would definately say the people you meet, the experience you get and the cars you see all make the Rally, if it wasn't for the people we met etc then my own feeling is that it wouldnt have been as good, BUT im so glad I did it and I would do it again. I knew it wasnt going to be set out perfect and I think If I did it I would be more prepared and clued up about doing somthing like that. Not sure if I would do this one again next year, I might look into the Glam Ball Rally a little more, as I think I prefer the route of that one to be honest!
  4. Was his name Tristan by any chance? If so then yep!
  5. Parties were great, all I would say is make sure you have enough taxi money on you as the hotels can be about 30minutes from the club, some 5* hotels were a bit further away and paying about 90 euro just for a taxi there! We just did the standard package as the 5* was ££££££ but it was alright, basically all you need is a bed to sleep in as youll be up early and driving all day and then partying most of the night... Oh also make sure you have cash on you all the time your driving as the police will be everywhere and will clock your stickers. We all got some HEAFTY fines!!! And the police are basically just wanting your money, if no money, then they will have your car... Obviously I could tell you to watch your speed, but as if any one is going to do that! Worth it though and great fun!...
  6. It was such an awesome experience! Definately worth looking into next years one as it's from London to Ibiza. There's also another rally next year called the Glam Ball Rally which would be worth looking into aswell, if you go to both websites then you will be able to see the route and itinery and go from there.. To be honest I just rang up the companies I bought the parts etc from and asked if they would be interested in sponsoring me...the best way is to just call them and ask, no harm in it, you may get some good discounts too!
  7. Hi Guys, So im back from the Modball Rally Europe and here are a couple of pictures as promised before I went
  8. haha Ok then i'll bare that in mind!
  9. Ok cool, i'll have a look about! Dont worry I will definately not forget to post some pictures up
  10. Thanks everyone for all your suggestions and help, it's really great and helped me out big time!! Im not really fussed on budget too be fair so I guess that kind of helps , I will keep you updated on what I end up going for!
  11. That does sound nice!! I think it's going to be a hard choice once I've got my options! Yes will definately be keeping her for a while after Modball, cant see me letting it go any time soon!!
  12. Thanks for all your suggestions everyone To be honest I have no idea what I would really like as when I hear somthing new I kinda change my mind! Best thing is probably as you said to go in person and listen to some and then go from there as youtube can be a little deceiving sometimes. I only have one picture at the moment of her standard and then when I pop down to the garage I will take some pics and post them as she's being worked on, and then of course Modball
  13. Thanks guys, I have youtube'd quite a few but obvioulsy it's hard to get a real clear sound and some of them sound I guess coming to a meet would be the best idea, however I only have 5 weeks until I go so it depends on how regularly they are held and im based in Hampshire...
  14. Hi there, I have recently just bought a 350z which is currently being modified for the Modball Rally Europe. I am yet to find an exhaust that sounds sweet and not chavvy (no offense). I also own a Honda Civic EK9 which obivously sounds alot different to the 350z so I am stuck for what will sound good, it would be much appreciated if anyone could help out with any suggestions? Thanks!
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