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  1. NEED SOME HELP HERE after rebuilding my engine (again) and installing the timing chains, i realize that the timing mark on the crank pulley and the mark on the exterior cover do not match. I stopped the build cause i never realize it and now im a contused Analyze the pictures and give some pointers here Need some help thanks
  2. Already did waiting for a reply from Alex
  3. Need a used bank2 left side exhaust camshaft ASP Can anyone tell me where to find one?
  4. alexdax

    forged piston

    i need one forged 10,3.1CR piston because of an injector that damaged one. does anyone have a incomplete set of forged pistons that can sell me ONE piston? i have for sale/trade a complete set of wiseco 8.8.1cr and an incomplete (5 pistons) cosworth 10.3.1cr i realy what to install de 10.3 cosworth but i´m one piston short
  5. need a new flywheel ASP looking for a 6kg delivered to Portugal.
  6. alexdax

    ABS pump ASP

    anyone??? i need a abs pump
  7. ok i need the left and right send me a PM please with details the picture is visible about what i need?
  8. are they similar to powerflex?
  9. were can i find some hard work lower control arm bushing ???? powerflex? help me out here
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