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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. Yeh i got a few other Nsx ones and lots of other cars we dont get over here but this is a Zed forum
  2. Iv got some Tokyo ones too, il have a dig, Did you visit Autobacs? or Top Secret? I went to a few car things love Tokyo if i move again I think il try there next!
  3. I remember some cool plates like 007 on a DB9, one actually said **** OFF lol
  4. Lol but thats what there into over there i seen loads of GTR fronted version of my car lol but dont worry i wouldnt ever go down that route! I dont understand the way the reg plate system works because they got some crazy private plates over there..
  5. Good choice yeh that one does look sweet! I do prefer the 370z frontended 350 though =)
  6. Yup i think its a 370z front end conversion =) or i could be chattin out my ass lol
  7. Moved!! well Wales to be exact lol Oh you should check my new topic hkg zeds theres a nice r33 skyline worth looking at
  8. Damn sorry i thought the pics would have popped up... but definately worth a click!
  9. Was lookin through some old photos of when i was in HongKong and realised i had quite a few zeds enjoy... https://fbcdn-sphoto...727160091_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...569143711_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...123991121_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...350762095_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...806889080_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...262933232_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...866674759_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...370649662_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...849376507_o.jpg Which Z33 did you like the best? Oh and heres an NSX because i love them haha https://fbcdn-sphoto...171778105_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...048014995_o.jpg and a GT3 too while we are at it.. https://fbcdn-sphoto..._51676910_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...052507011_o.jpg ..cant post without having a MInes R33 Skyline... https://fbcdn-sphoto...369326668_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphoto...104074589_o.jpg Can you believe it illegal to modify in Hong Kong!!
  10. Can you imagine how depressing it would be if your life's ambition was to become a stunt driver just to find out all they do is pootle around like that? Good pay for no work I thought the Optimus Prime truck would at least sweep out a car or two... must be depressing being a stuntman, could of had more action being fired out a canon in a circus!
  11. Yeh the zed bumper is so curved that looks like headache and alot of heatshrinking! lol
  12. I brought it forward into the sunlight for a shiney shot lol Yeah i was thinking gloss black and darkening the tints to get that panoramic roof style, but end of the day im going to have her sprayed matte white or super super glossy black the vinyl was a compromise until i save up the pennies! Hows your skyline doing? iv missed out in all the meets as im down south now =(
  13. I let some tinting guys tackle it it lol they did it in an hour and let me watch so i think if i ever need to wrap stuff i think i know how! Its almost the same as tinting but more forgiving..tinting is really stressful if you do it alone haha!
  14. woah is that how they do the high speed pursuits? and then just speed it all up?! thats cheating lol
  15. Nice Choice of Crotch Rocket!
  16. Wow crash what crash!? Looks amazing like fresh off the showroom! You must be over the moon !
  17. Yeh i have one of those titanium knobs and bloody hell when i put my hand on it felt like i put my hand on a stove!
  18. Thanks alex should be the start of august so hopefully you have some then
  19. After looking at countless options i decided to go for a carbon 3d Vinyl, at first i was worried how it would look on the Lakeshore slate grey paint but i think i just got a way with it Anyways heres some pics.. still thinking of what to do with the wheels cause it really hard to match the paintwork and dont want to look too racer! Thanks to everyone for the advice on wrapping! Saskhi
  20. Yes one of the fans dont spin... so iguess its good enough excuse for mishimoto fan shroud alex! let me save a few pennies first..
  21. I had a look at your Mishimoto complete fan shroud units and they look amazing! But i think my fans are working, im trying to recreate what i did the other day to see if the fans kick in and cutout at somepoint... I will try again today as it is supposed to be really hot today too! I think it might actually have something to do with the aircon being on on idle but normally without aircon on the temp will sit below the middle of temp gauge with no fluctuations in readings or anything.
  22. I chose shes not worth it lol Wait that wasnt a video of Nsx do you have link for nsx one? I love NSX's my dream car!
  23. SkylineV35

    Able to Fly!

    Sorry if this is a repost but its so well shot i reckon you wouldnt mind watching it again! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6lsCiaOn2H4
  24. Just back spoke to some guy and he was saying in a months time he will be able to spray/ dip a carbonfibre coating on?! And hes certain it will work so fingers crossed it comes through for him, but honestly i cant think how that could be possible
  25. Ahh mine is a Skyline but im sure it should be roughly the same! I phoned around and got quoted 120 for the roof so i think il just go ahead with that for now. Are there any problems with vinyl sticking to plastic trims like wingmirror baseplates for example?
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