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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. Yeah but i kept thinking this better not be like one of those videos where something pops up n scares the crap out of you... eg.this guy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZVuD1algbM Oh dont worry il be visiting scotland quite often as my family are up there il try and set the dates so they coincide with a zed meet or two! Plus i do miss the dukes pass or whatever its called lol Just fancy a change I dont like staying in one place too long! As secretly im an Assasissin Sssssh! lol
  2. Really? I had an 05 M3 for a week and i loved every second of it with the M button down of course! Without M button it was any other boring car. I cant imagine what the newer M3's feel like... can only imagine!
  3. I agree Waaaaaaay too much time! Its because iv moved to Cardiff now and dont know anyone...so im a loner watching online films and searching youtube for a giraffe! Although I have been haunting the welsh roads after midnight.... Oh... watch this if you have time! some crazy stuff!!
  4. Hi , im in Cardiff too! Mechanic eh.... im needing some help....lol
  5. I have his purple one inside mine! (hmm...that doesnt sound right )
  6. Haha im onto my 14th car now! lol and im only 26! But some of them were just doner cars But then again im thinking of moving from Cardiff now... hard to find work too many students competing! Thinking maybe Bristol or Manchester! London is too expensive from what iv heard!
  7. What the hell?! So all these countries wasting billions to launch a rocket or spaceshuttles, when all they needed was a world war 2 plane and a crazy pilot!? Nasa must be kicking themselves!
  8. Its funny how they cant isnt it lol they usually replace R with a W and make a choking noise! True, but that's like only for those proper mainlanders or HK-ers that never left their home countries. No probs with "R" pronounciation here Yeh im BBC so my R are perfect lol!
  9. Wow nice was reading the posts and looking at vids and pics, following your logic... Think i want one now lol!
  10. Here is my theory.. ...i rest my case! 10 years ago in uk i never met a Polish, Czech, Albanian or any other foreigners before, All i knew were Scottish, English, Chinese, Pakistan, Irish Indian and the Welsh...
  11. Its funny how they cant isnt it lol they usually replace R with a W and make a choking noise! Reminds me of this I shouldn't laugh, but the American woman was so stupid she bloody read it out. Holy Crap is this real on live broadcast? wow! Was it an April Fools? classic Sum Ting Wong!
  12. Ok this has more relevance theres a zed around 0:47 how do you tint lights yellow?
  13. You would of thought he had brakes for a boeing 747! Yes im bored at trolling youtube!
  14. Its funny how they cant isnt it lol they usually replace R with a W and make a choking noise!
  15. Steering columns and autoocks can be broken into in 5-10mins, crowbar or fat flatblade screwdriver and hammer, if i was a car thief i would go for a car with auto lock bar as id think its the only source of protection the car has... i remember snapping my key in the ignition of a car once and i broke the steering lock after 5mins and ripped out the ignition barrel and started it 15mins flat lol
  16. Post up some pics or a video when its hooked up! Look 007 material!
  17. woah that could go to some nice mods! But respect to you for completing and nice shots of your zed btw
  18. Unfortunately i dont even know how to clean it lol.. plus its a good excuse for something shiney and thats works effectively! Alex you have pm! Saskhi
  19. Its for mounting a camera and crew for highspeed stunts lol and also with a healthy dose of bhp in the mix! =) Still looks @*!# Think the Fast 6 guys made do with esclades and rs4s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucIpKYAZ4EE I would pick the Escalade anyday
  20. Its for mounting a camera and crew for highspeed stunts lol and also with a healthy dose of bhp in the mix! =)
  21. I used to work on scaffolding for film sets in hong kong...and the stuntmen out there have it bad compared to them lol... Immense powered Chaser!
  22. Here are some cars i spotted in Tokyo... its not about Vinyl anymore its leather.. THE SPACESHIP!!! Kawai bus.. old skool.. Think the rest are in my other computer..
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