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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. I didnt even try to do that lol haha Shows how much i know about photography!!
  2. Yeah thanks man i tried these guys they are the ones that crushed the whole car doors and everything!?! only kept lights!?! Its ok iv sourced everything i need just going on an ebay frenzy for lil bits n bobs from america and asia!
  3. Oh that i will iv looked at so many images of black ones and spoilers dont really stand out much on them so this one should blend in nicely =)
  4. Think the problem is i never zoomed in enough... You can fix that with some strategic cropping. Assuming the original image resolution will stand up to it. Its only a samsung camera phone i reckon the resolution is crap haha
  5. Carmichaels at CF14 1PS They will be on closed till Friday, seems like a great guys was recommended off another forum! Decent prices too!
  6. Also just ordered a carbon fibre number of this... Decided against the oem spoiler as it disturbs the lines went for something a little more subtle... wether it will add downforce or not i highly doubt it lol
  7. Just ordered a set of these oem rear splash guards... should make the rear look a lil lower and tie in with the diffuser!
  8. No im back in Wales but with my car like that i wouldnt take her anywhere... I deliberately park the car so so that the door is hidden lol hate driving in it now.. only night time or when its raining i take her out lol
  9. No fancy stuff here mate just a silly phone camera! Samsung S3
  10. Dam you how did you know!! LOL the spray guy said he has to spray side of the car to make it look right, so i got quoted for full respray in super deep black with a few extra coats of laquer for glossy effect! Also got a few carbon bits to touch it up too! Cant wait... Looking at the last picture could prob do with some spacers aswel!
  11. You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off...

  12. Wow great inspiration for my respray thanks man.... il take the girl too CHEERS bud! ...puts glasses back on.... HELL NO!!
  13. ..saw a Black Zed today with gold grill inserts in bumper is this standard? Looked not bad!
  14. ...and so the healing process begins! Got the mirror in today fitted it straight away as it looks way better than ductape! lol [/uR Big thanks to Nippon Auto Spares in Derby! Looking better already(trys to convince self!)
  15. All the lil touches make it look way different from when i last seen it at coatbridge! Nice1 mate looking good! =)
  16. Ouch is that picture in the signature 300zx? Looks nice! Sweet rims btw! Yeh for the amount we pay on roadtax etc they should bloody put neon lights round hazards like that! or those sensors that beep when u get to close.. would save us all a whole lot of money vote me for head of transport department lol
  17. Thanks man il give him a shout tomorrow and see! Always good to shop around i suppose
  18. Always check blindspot before reversing...

  19. Contacted a breaker... they had a skyline 350gt and from pictures the body looked mint! But they crushed it and only kept the lights!?! They just threw away sooo much money! Jeez didnt have space in the yard?! Crush the micra or yaris! not the SKYLINE!!!!!
  20. Iv decide to fix it myself as my aim is for an R35 or Honda Nsx next so i want to try keep insurance on my good side lol So getting a hold of some parts Big thanks to Zedmanalex much appreciated and ordering some more bits and bobs for the bodywork splitters lips etc, and also a getting a full respray still deciding colour, then some carbonfibre goodies too. I wasnt going to touch the styling till i had performance and handling sorted but hey its a sign if i ever did see one! Will be hitting heavily into the 'Morgage for a house fund' lol since i dont have a missus anymore! haha Cant wait its going to be Epic! Bodyshop is free at the end of september! so it gives me time to source everything! Im so excited feels like im going to have a brand new car after this!
  21. My premium is already 2800 a year.. Might as well make the most of it then? Sorry to see the damage My excess is 700.. iv never claimed before how do you go about it? Do i tell them straight what happened? or do i have to tell a white lie to sort it out? Im fully comp
  22. I hate how its sunday nothings open! Going to go around a few bodyshops and see what can be done and how bad it actually is, i just hope the door hinge isnt bent, but the lines when the door is closed line up perfect to the rear quarter panel, and the dent looks like it will pop out, fingers crossed.. have driven it since i parked up... i actually took the bus for the first time in ages. Just feel like if i drive it everyones going to think wat a tw@t! lol
  23. You were lucky Daryl, hows the leg coming on ?. Its all good thanks, the vertical bone is still swollen abit, but hopefully will go down over time. Got a massive scar, but thats about it. (Apart from my dented pride) Just read your post...very ouch! And i feel you there on the pride part...
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