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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. If anyone pulls out let me know please...havent been on forum lately missed out lol
  2. Im refurbing mine aswell going for GTR colour K11 i think thats the closest match so far..
  3. Wow sweet lol Seems everyone is more or less from New Territories! I usually get a place in Mongkok for food and convience or go stay in Lamma island for beach life
  4. forward 2mins and look at chinas drift mountain!!!
  5. And there was one night where i turned on the heaters to defog the window and it seemed to refog the lower part of the window, but that has never happened again since, i thought that was due to underbonnet bulkhead temp being hot on a freezing night. But i have read this could also be a cause of heater matrix leaking, but i have felt the passenger side carpet and no dampness there..
  6. But there doesnt seem to be a temperature its either hot or cold.. no inbetween.
  7. But i have a funny feeling im only losing coolant when i turn up the heat to max.. iv tried to recreate this to no effect though, im totally stumped!
  8. Since nissan coolant flush ant topup only once so far.. Previously after installing pulleys and had to remove radiator iv topt her up maybe twice before sending it to nissan yesterday.
  9. Yeah shes not overheating but shes losing coolant fast, half a bottle overnight.. please have a look at my thread if you have time thanks http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/75447-just-a-quick-coolant-question/ Its just making ownership a real pain in the backside atm,.. seems like one thing after another!
  10. Thanks mod for moving it to right section. Ok well I checked all the hoses, etc cant find leak anywhere i even switched the clips for jubilee clips. Issit possible piping near the heater matrix is leaking? Im really out of ideas!? Yeah I was thinking of taking it back to nissan and here there thoughts on it too. The thing is when i parked up lastnight it was still fine then over one night i lost so much?! so im thinking while theres pressure in the system its stopping the leak but when depressurised its leaking? What are your thoughts on radiator stop leak? I had a look and it said that it will fix leaks on radiator, silicone hoses etc.. Is this more of a temporary fix or am i better off just replacing everything eg hoses radiator etc? (edit) Thats me just ordered a set of samco silicone hoses. This is really the last thing i need especially with the door being repaired and respray etc. total headache!
  11. When i parked her up lastnight she was just above the max came out this morning and shes below halfway, I recently just had a coolant flush by nissan, surely they bled the air out properly? think il get my hands dirty and double check the hoses etc dam..
  12. Ok if coolant temps you are meaning temp gauge on dash then yeh its fine, I also went to nissan for a coolant drain and flush and nice greenstuff back in, underbonnet temp actually feels lower now.. either that or im trying to justify the 100quid spent lol But my main worry was because i added harlfords readymix pinkish stuff in before to topup and later checking interenet that it could cause major damage and sludge build up etc.. so that is where my paranoia was coming from. Thanks though guys hopefully this is the end of my so-called problem! Also issit worth adding an oil cooler? or is there other ways? I read up on the nismo thermostat heard bad things about them and its basically the same thermostat as a 300zx or something.
  13. Yip fans are working fine both spin up alot infact id stop at traffic lights for 2mins and they would kick in hard!
  14. Would a change of coolant help? As i dont know the last time it was changed.. or an oil cooler it just feels really hot compared to before the fan change.
  15. There are no signs of overheating on temp gauge, but i feel alot of heat coming from under the bonnet.. And if the water pump really does need replacing, where am I best to get it from or would one from ebay for 50quid do the trick? Thanks
  16. Hey is that a NIsmo spoiler i see! Looking great btw!!
  17. Yeh realised after post haha would be nice if it were a HR engine though
  18. Thanks for all the advice im going to give it a week and see how it goes, hopefully it option number 3! Fingers crossed!
  19. Ok just a quick recap there are two thick hoses one from top of radiator and one at bottom correct and there the lil hose that goes from the top of coolant bottle to radiator are there any other hoses i should check? Thanks man
  20. Just a lil update... its been on for sometime now and I heard rumors that the brackets will snap etc.. Well not these ones everythings still in place and I do drive the car like its stolen sometimes! Just my 2pence worth
  21. .. i was driving along and felt like my car was unnaturally hot, although the temperature gauge was still sitting below half, so when i got home i thought ok maybe time for a quick oil check. Checked that and it was fine. So im thinking strange with the mishimoto fan setup aswell it should be cooler if anything, so as i was lurking around i noticed the coolant bottle was near enough empty!? So quick trip to harlfords and topped her backup did the whole let the car run and topup at radiator etc. But if i remember correctly i topped her up after installing the fan which was about a month ago... is it normal to go through so much coolant am I just paranoid? or when i took that lil shunt on the driver side its knocked a pipe loose? So i took her a quick sprint through some twisty and the expressway for around 15mins then parked up back home to check the level its exactly where i topt up at and i popped back out 5mins later to see if there was a puddle of coolant on the floor or not... and dry as a nuns ....was the floor. so any ideas? Thanks Saskhi * sorry wrong section should be 350z technical as its a rev up engine sorry..
  22. Yeah certainly if your in the area we could do a quick meet up n show you once its done fingers crossed its good quality lol
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