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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. Is your car a revup? Did it fit in the end?
  2. Yeah 3rd one down is the ings eyelids.. Probably the better made and should be thin too and should sit flush with the headlight and bonnet assembly.. 30-40 quid to change the frontend slghtly cant complain. Whereas if i went 350 or 370 or even R35 frontend conversion would cost alot more and Mr Nissan would probably shoot me for doing so! haha Well thanks everyone but me thinks il go corner2corner and il get some pictures when they are colourmatched and fitted
  3. This looks awesome Corner to corner FTW! il prob get a warning for posting a vauxhall page here but.. http://www.migweb.co.uk/forums/styling-wheels-interior/477880-how-make-badboy-bonnet-d.html is this really the best way? or am i better ordering the eyelids off ebay and just fibreglassing over it on to bonnet? Im worried that if i slam the bonnet overtime it will crack or something...
  4. Yeah I had a look for lights but there all for the LHD market.. I had a similiar problem back in the days when i bought lights like that for a civic... the main beam points to the wrongside of the road! It just scrapes past mot too.. so from past experience iv not really done headlight conversions since. Although an option is to dismantle and spray myself but worrying about condensation if not sealed backup properly etc.
  5. Bloody hell thats enough to give you arthiritus surely!!?
  6. But its still autumn... Have you been in scotland recently Its defo winter Need a to go down the motorway. Yeah but the work has to start on her. Carbon boot, doors wings, spoiler, front under spoiler, then full aerodynamics setup for next years track season @.@ Niiice il take a trip up to the scottish meets just to see it when its done! Sorry just realised that was 2012!?
  7. Ayrton Senna best driver to ever drive on this earth! You see how little steering correction he makes compared to other drivers of that time.. thats how my dad used to tell me what makes a good driver when we used to watch the F1.. I still remember that day when in the rain from 5th on the grid and overtaking everything in the first lap!
  8. I new the result before watching.. anything made by that crazy Smokey Nagata from Top Secret is legendary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=fgXtWSrKcZU He is also banned from the UK for bringing his crazy creations over and tripling the speed limit back in 2001..tut tut
  9. Hey you still have the 350gt?

  10. Looks like porsche lights lol thanks man!
  11. OMG found this!!! Nismo front bumper! Blend it in with the bonnet! Lke those "badboy" bonnets you used to get on civics and saxos back in the days.
  12. Yeah i am more inclined to corner to corner.. heres another effort corner2corner the other stuff is complicated!
  13. So after having my car back for a while now iv decided the frontend looks too tame.. so thought of a simple solution to make it slightly more aggressive looking but undecided on which ones... So... here are the options: 1.Curvy 2.corner to corner 3.Carbon fibre effort (my sh!tty attempt at editing dont laugh) If someone could edit for me that would be great to see! If not please leave an opinion.. thanks!
  14. I would like to know realistic mpg of f.i setups lets say a modest 400bhp at the fly?
  15. Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici..

  16. Your mpg needs recalibrated lol 40mpg!?!?!
  17. Yeah my last trips from scotland to Wales have been at 34mpg at high but steady speeds, I feel when i try to save fuel i lose mpg lol
  18. Stole it from the R35 GTR It's funny how colours look different on different cars. The grey looks bland on a GTR but that looks the business I told them i wanted it to shine so i told them to go heavy with the laquer! now its practically a mirror! haha
  19. Yeah Carmichaels the guy has the patience of a saint! lol
  20. heres a nice lil number http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201308238456330/sort/default/usedcars/body-type/hatchback/quantity-of-doors/3/fuel-type/petrol/transmission/manual/price-to/1000/model/civic/make/honda/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/radius/1500/postcode/ka20lp/page/3?logcode=p or if you dont mind something a lil older http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201310259463988/sort/default/usedcars/fuel-type/petrol/quantity-of-doors/3/price-to/1000/transmission/manual/model/civic/make/honda/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/page/1/radius/1500/postcode/ka20lp?logcode=p or newer http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201310029082166/sort/default/usedcars/fuel-type/petrol/price-to/1000/transmission/manual/quantity-of-doors/2/model/civic/make/honda/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/radius/1500/postcode/ka20lp/page/1?logcode=p I wouldnt mind the mileage hondas go on forever!
  21. oem rims are 18" matey, not 19 Oh i mean for my Skyline 350gt, it had forged alluminium 19s as oem for 2005+ really? I never realised those were 19's ! Aw well happy days They do look like 17s from afar! I think cause my arches are massive lol
  22. oem rims are 18" matey, not 19 Oh i mean for my Skyline 350gt, it had forged alluminium 19s as oem for 2005+ http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/414611-19-rays-coupe-wheels/ I think they would look amazing on a zed
  23. Iv been running 235 35 19 front 255 35 19 rear on oem forged lightweight rays never had an issue with tc and it handles amazing oh tyres are michellin pilot sports, recently had a hortie for my rears so thought id try 40s on the rears this time... again no tc problems! Ride comfort is better too bonus! and theres a lil bit more rubber sticking out over the rim to stop me curbing lol compared to the 35s which sit flush with the rim. But each to there own but i think the 235 35 19 front and 255 40 19 rear on michellin pss are the best combo!
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