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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. Guys i rebled the system before work, then topt up the coolant when i finished drove her for 2hours solid.. no problems whatsoever.. temp gauge below halfway heaters hot hot! I really hope this is the end of it! Im never touching the coolant EVER again lmao. Will watch the temp gauge and coolant level for another week, thanks for all the help and support guys!
  2. Im thinking it might be a stuck thermostat.. issit easy to just take out thermostat and just plug it back up without it? I want to try this and see if it still overheats. In theory if it still overheats then does this mean its the headgasket for sure?
  3. Just had a second opinion. The guy is also suggesting headgaskets as he said he could smell coolant/ petrol on the oil dipstick and also the oil level is above max on the stick hes saying it could have leaked in there. He also said it could be the thermostat sticking from the radiator weld. I tried to reproduce the bubbling at 4000rpm but it wouldnt do it..until i got home =_= He checked on the system he said roughly 15hours work give or take. about 800pounds in labour if all is easy to come off. But unfortunatley he couldnt do it and thats labour at 44pounds +vat. which sounds pretty fair.
  4. Wait so airlock doesnt overheat the car?? Then i really must be looking at some other parts somewhere... could radiator weld weld a waterpump fan so it doesnt pump coolant??
  5. Fans come on and are nearly on constantly after a 25mins of driving
  6. Following Zedmanalex decription.. Ok i got some new symtoms its still overheating but after a good while.. when im on idle and reving to 3000rpm ther is no water sloshing/bubbling but when i rev to 4500rpm i can hear it again.. what does this mean? My heaters appear to be fine im getting heat in the cabin now. Does this mean the radiator weld stuff maybe blocking my heater matrix or blocking somewhere? Should I just do a fool flush and start again? Thanks Saskhi
  7. Ok i got some new symtoms its still overheating but after a good while.. when im on idle and reving to 3000rpm ther is no water sloshing/bubbling but when i rev to 4500rpm i can hear it again.. what does this mean? My heaters appear to be fine im getting heat in the cabin now. Does this mean the radiator weld stuff maybe blocking my heater matrix or blocking somewhere? Should I just do a fool flush and start again? Thanks Saskhi
  8. Yeah I was wondering same thing or even water pump..
  9. No i think my fans are fine as when from cold start i let it heat up till fan kicks in and when i hit the aircon the second fan kicks in.I have uprated to a mishimoto fans and shroud due to fans not working lastime
  10. Thanks and recieved! Yeah I thought as I was out of options id drop in to see if they had any expert opinion and indeed they did lol
  11. Thanks Alex hearing that from you gives me much assurance
  12. Im in Cardiff, Ive been recommended niss tech in swansea, has anyone had any dealings with them?
  13. She still pulls as strong as i first got her theres no mix of coolant in water tank or oil.
  14. Today i went to nissan and ask if they had any specialists tools for airlock.. they sent me out a mechanic. Who started squeezing pipes and said oh these are rock solid its holding pressure like a pressure cooker. then he opened my radiator cap and coolant splashed out and he qickly closed it and said it shouldnt be doing that, to which i replied iv been driving for the past 20mins. He then announced that i have two blown headgaskets and thats why i have no heat? Guys please tell me this guy is being a donkey? I thought if your car is up to temperature and you open the radiator cap it will pour out regardless of headgasket or not? And then when i asked him would they be able to replace there he said oh we wouldnt touch that and id need my heads skimmed down too? My car is still overheating but just by a little over the half way line.. Are there any tell tale signs of blown headgasket i asked him and he said no!? I would have thought the oil would be mixed or pourin out black smoke or something surely?
  15. No mine is actually from super autobacs or something when i when i went to to tokyo.. so im 100% certain its a genuine lols
  16. Or should I just wing it in to nissan and let them to a coolant flush and change then at least something goes wrong iv got someone to blame? lol
  17. Erm...guys.. overheating is back and when i idle and rev to 3000rpm i can hear what can only seem as fluid rushing into the heater matrix i think..
  18. Where can you get that from what issit called? Il get you the link when I'm on the pc mate Thanks man i can see it as a good longterm investment the amount of headache from this airlock business!!
  19. Aha I found what i was looking for thanks Zmanalex!
  20. Dam airlock! So its not the waterpump then? sweet save me a few pennies. Ok If i put the front up on a jack and do the bleeding process again i should be fine yes? I skipped out the jacking as i didnt have one. Oh when i was descibing the hot and cold i wasnt talking about the temp gauge but the heat in the cabin btw
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