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Everything posted by SkylineV35

  1. Ahh thats the stuff the harlfords guy had for me. I just did a little reading.. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/archive/index.php/t-5317.html Does the GTechniq G4 need to use a buffer? Im not too confident with these things especially since the guys on the link were saying i could distort the glass?! or something
  2. Thats the thing when i sprayed it with my glass cleaner it looked almost invisible.. mine is definately a scuff( the way i would describe a scuff would be if you grabbed your phone put it on the floor and dragged it along, and you'd be left with kind of powdery scuff like mark) I can deal with it for now but it enrages me everytime i look out the passenger side window for cars etc.. but it is something i would definatley want to replace before selling the car if i ever do.
  3. Does the 350z window fit on V35 350gt? I didnt think our cars were that similiar? if it does that is amazing!! going to google now and double check! I hope so - if it does let me know and I'll go check the 350 Aladdin's cave of parts to make sure there is one there in good nick Thanks man... think il need to hunt down a zed if all else fails and take some measurements.
  4. Hmmm it says we share the same window regulators but I cant find any indo on the glass itself.
  5. Does the 350z window fit on V35 350gt? I didnt think our cars were that similiar? if it does that is amazing!! going to google now and double check!
  6. Im based in cardiff right now Trip to the Zed Shed me thinks Zed shed? sorry I have heard you guys talk about it before. wheres that? Its a place where magic happens http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/80219-what-is-the-zed-shed/ found it thanks!
  7. Also went to Autoglass they said they couldnt do anything about it.. they said something about labour involved i would be better off replacing. Still waiting for a quote, but i know it will be ridiculus because the guy genuinely doesnt want to touch it.
  8. I went to harlfords the guy brought out a windscreen repair kit but he himself said he wasnt confident with the product and shouldnt attempt it on a car such as mine... lol
  9. I dont plan to go through insurance as my excess is 300 anyway. I know what the hell goes through these peoples minds... if your drunk go and get laid or something why hit cars?!
  10. Im based in cardiff right now Trip to the Zed Shed me thinks Zed shed? sorry I have heard you guys talk about it before. wheres that? *http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/80219-what-is-the-zed-shed/ I found it!
  11. No it wasnt done in harlfords.. It was on my street must of been at night. There is a camera but it is too far and not pointing in my direction. I didnt even bother with police they will never catch whoever did it. I stay near a student area and theres at least 50+ people that walk past drunk at night.
  12. Im so ticked off right now some idiot tried to put a brick through my passenger window, it didnt smash but now im left with an outline of a brick..fanbloodytastic! I was wondering does anyone know if this can be repaired? Im sure I heard they can repair cracks but i dont know about scuff marks. The thing is I think it was purely random like a drunk tw@t picked up a brick and tried it. Because there are no other marks on the car and my wingmirrors are intact... I hate stupid tossers that do these kind of things!
  13. They should be banned or restricted to toyota aygos...
  14. Mate I swear I seen tescos or asdas selling some in a there car section recently! lol they bloody sell everything these days!
  15. Welcome welcome... I do miss the kick of the turbo but iv given up on 4wd... I prefer sideways!
  16. That is one of the most beautiful exhausts i've ever seen However, I do find it a bit strange that there is a divider in the mid section (And I presume there will be a matching one in the Y pipe) to keep the banks separate. I thought I read somewhere that the most power is made when both banks can filter together to create a smoother more equal airflow? I wouldnt worry too much... Amuse are very highly regarded top tuners... There Amuse S2000 is a record holder on the touge =) But spiffing nice exhaust... jealous!haha
  17. Not childish at all... sunday just there we were all parked up watching an rx7 and r32 gtr shoot 4foot flames lols
  18. https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/1609605_777395302285301_1465368850_n.jpg I think it looks pretty cool actually, what do yous think?
  19. I have a Rev up.. I use iridium spark plugs
  20. Ahh classic reversal..come in balling and shouting at you first before you can say anything...
  21. Hi and welcome! Im sometimes in glasgow lurking..where all the boyracers go parkup next to the police station in the citycentre..
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