Still undecided at the minute. I think the V2 might be a bit too big really. I like the Strosek one though.
Pity I can't see each side by side, then I would know for definite.
Are you thinking of fitting one Steve?
Now that you've ordered a Strosek from Tarmac, I cant wait to see how it looks on your Zed.
Might tempt me to order one as well!
What else would you like me to trial on mine first?
After the rear spoiler's fitted maybe a front lip spoiler would be good to balance it out
Funny you should mention that.
I only enquired about a mines front lip today
Colour coded?
Yes, I would. Looks part of the car then, and not something that's been stuck on.
Its your choice Steve!
I already know I want it colour coded
And then I wonder how long it could be before I want a different front and rear, and then the lip would've been a waste of money.