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Everything posted by steve916

  1. Cheers mate. As close to night blue as poss
  2. Mine all torqued up to 108nm without a problem. Maybe his torque wrench is knackered.
  3. Couldn't do me one of the top ones with a dark blue background, could you please?
  4. looks good, but lets see a finished photo of the whole car
  5. Looks lovely. Same colour as mine with the frost interior. Similar number plate too. Love the extras you've added too
  6. Im thinking of having the brackets painted silver to match the door handles, and to highlight the billet aluminium elegance, rather than lose them in with the same colour.
  7. After trying to decide if I wanted a spoiler or not, and then when I decided I did want one, which one should I get, I finally decided on the Strosek from Tarmac Sportz. It arrived yesterday Off to the paint shop on Monday, and then hopefully i'll fit it before christmas
  8. Ask somebody else to pm him and ask if he's accidentally blocked you.
  9. 2014 has been a good year for me. The year I became a Zed owner
  10. steve916

    Welcome Torqen

    Good luck guys. Be interesting to see what's on offer
  11. steve916

    Welcome Torqen

    It might be their offspring
  12. They were on the car when I bought it but I think they are the same ones. I have some new ones to fit when the weather warms up again.
  13. Still undecided at the minute. I think the V2 might be a bit too big really. I like the Strosek one though. Pity I can't see each side by side, then I would know for definite. Are you thinking of fitting one Steve? Now that you've ordered a Strosek from Tarmac, I cant wait to see how it looks on your Zed. Might tempt me to order one as well! What else would you like me to trial on mine first? After the rear spoiler's fitted maybe a front lip spoiler would be good to balance it out Funny you should mention that. I only enquired about a mines front lip today Colour coded? Yes, I would. Looks part of the car then, and not something that's been stuck on. Its your choice Steve! I already know I want it colour coded And then I wonder how long it could be before I want a different front and rear, and then the lip would've been a waste of money.
  14. Still undecided at the minute. I think the V2 might be a bit too big really. I like the Strosek one though. Pity I can't see each side by side, then I would know for definite. Are you thinking of fitting one Steve? Now that you've ordered a Strosek from Tarmac, I cant wait to see how it looks on your Zed. Might tempt me to order one as well! What else would you like me to trial on mine first? After the rear spoiler's fitted maybe a front lip spoiler would be good to balance it out Funny you should mention that. I only enquired about a mines front lip today Colour coded?
  15. Nah they would be just behind the front wheel arch liners and have different connectors to those (I've seen them). Nice try though Steve. I'll keep trying. Who knows I might get there one day
  16. Still undecided at the minute. I think the V2 might be a bit too big really. I like the Strosek one though. Pity I can't see each side by side, then I would know for definite. Are you thinking of fitting one Steve? Now that you've ordered a Strosek from Tarmac, I cant wait to see how it looks on your Zed. Might tempt me to order one as well! What else would you like me to trial on mine first?
  17. What are the sideskirts on the sunset car above?
  18. Well, Ive been playing around and trying to decide what spoiler to go for. I bought a cheap spoiler from ebay to trial so I could decide if putting a spoiler on the rear is what I actually want, before spending too much. Here are a couple of shots of the spoiler sitting on the oem spoiler. The verdict is.......... Yes, I like the spoiler look, so I have just ordered a Strosek from Tarmac So, I'll put this one up for sale soon.
  19. Wow Adrian Only just looked in on this thread and I'm in total awe of what you've been up to. Hats off to all the members that have been helping you too. Great work
  20. Get the code read to find out what's caused the eml. Cougar Stores is in Leicester. Go see Mitz and Andy. They'll soon sort it for you.
  21. Ok cheers. I'll go look for it now. How's the ipad install going? Finished yet?
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