Received mine today, and must say I'm very impressed with it
I haven't had a need to jump start a car from it yet, but it looks up to the job, and a neat item.
Even the box it comes in looks like something Apple have designed.
Very good.
If you do number 4 commander I'm certain that it will help with number 3, ...two birds with one stone.
And those will probably impress the GF so he's allowed to do number 2.
Leave number 1 til last
Saw a program on tv quite a while ago ( undercover type), and it showed employees stealing stuff and even laughing about smashing boxes on the floor containing tvs. I dont think it was City Link but Im sure theres probably a few companies that are in on this kind of behaviour.
Being inspired by Pritchards photos this morning, I decided to go out for a little run myself.
No castles around here though. Very flat.
Apologies about the shadow of me.