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Everything posted by steve916

  1. Had mine a couple of months and hasn't used a drop of oil. I check religiously every week. I have removed the Bose head unit as I wanted a double din unit with satnav, Bluetooth music etc. The unit wasn't skipping before I removed it. Don't have a problem with the gearbox, but I don't think they're different to earlier ones. Clicking axle, yes got that.
  2. Beat me to it. Was just about to suggest the same, as daft as it sounds.
  3. I hate 'Scum' like that. If I have to work legitimately to afford my lifestyle, then so should others too. Unless you win the lottery of course
  4. Glad you're pleased with the guys over there. Hopefully you'll get the power steering cooler replaced foc. This is one reason I have ordered a zunsport grille. It's so exposed in there and I have picked stones off it in the past.
  5. Not jealous at all Looks lovely
  6. Nice one Keith. Sounds like you you got a result there
  7. I have a hard wired reverse camera fitted, as I have experienced the wireless type on previous cars, and everybody I knew that had those fitted complained about them. It's not that hard to fit a wired one. Just remove the internal plastics in the right order and run the cable in. You've only got to do it the once and you'll reap the benefits.
  8. Bagfulls of small treats and he'll do anything
  9. If you like that, have a look at these guys. Skip forward to 3 mins to get to the song.
  10. This might be your only option. You could get it colour coded so you dont notice it so much
  11. Haha. But I'd been waiting til it got to New Year though. All the best mate
  12. As above. Hope everybody has a great year ahead
  13. Love him Bet he's more than 1000 horsepower
  14. Cargo Net arrived today with some free sweets Excellent service from Ewen.
  15. Looks like fun, but somehow your ISO setting has made it look like the cars are filthy
  16. You know the names of your favourite porn actresses? :D
  17. Interesting you say that Alex as when I first saw this thread it made me think that not all countries have super unleaded and I have wondered whether exports to those places would have meant Nissan catered for that in the ECU settings? And that said, I have never seen what fuel labels are put on other countries cars. Haven't we got some Irish members on here too, that have said super unleaded isn't available to them? DimitriSpain, do you have super unleaded available over there?
  18. Won't fit ours though. That's a left hooker
  19. Welcome Milseyman. Reminds me of my Capri many moons ago. Looks like GM and Attak are watching each other as they're both on identical post counts
  20. Hopefully what we don't get to see is the officers calling for backup. A van turns up and they chuck the pair of p?£&Aks in the back of it and cart them off for a very long sentence. I doubt it but we can live in hope.
  21. a california can be fun as it will pull more clunge Sounds like a Jimmy Carr quote
  22. Thanks mate. £80 for the paintwork It's going back in on Friday to get it blown over again as I spotted an area of thin paint, so that will get done foc.
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