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Everything posted by steve916

  1. Hugh, do the Red Arrows practice most days, as I quite fancy a run up there sometime to see them.
  2. Just noticed in one of your pics Scott, that you're parked up at a diesel pump
  3. I've been quietly following this thread, and whilst I won't usually pick anybody up on their grammar or spelling, I have to admire that you have learned English as a second language well enough to be able to spot mistakes. Hats off for that Yeah but he's a real pain in the butt Didn't say he wasn't
  4. I've been quietly following this thread, and whilst I won't usually pick anybody up on their grammar or spelling, I have to admire that you have learned English as a second language well enough to be able to spot mistakes. Hats off for that
  5. Milk floats are faster, go further & are cheaper though. Link: http://www.gumtree.com/p/vans/smith-cabac-milk-float-for-sale-going-well./1023934629 Used to see those regularly in ditches along the side of the A14 round here. Unigate Dairies were based nearby, and once a float pulled out onto the A14, lorry drivers didn't realise how slow they were going, and shoved a few off the road.
  6. I wouldn't call it resale grey on that car. It's lovely and if I could afford one of those, I would probably pay the extra 10k for the colour
  7. Always liked the look of these, but compared to the zed, underpowered. Love the shark grey colour above Wayne
  8. Why not, I am proud to not be driving in a fiesta or corsa like everyone else my age. ! You fill yer boots mate, I was just asking. I might put my arm measurement on my signature. As long as it's just your arm
  9. Was worth the wait mate. Looks great.
  10. Looking good I wasn't aware the radios are coded. A fully charged battery might help though.
  11. Ouch. remind me to keep an eye on your future threads for an eBay bargin or secondhand part you purchase Yea me too. very excited. Hopefully you know I'm just jesting
  12. There is a little more to it that that as i am sure you know Yep. but still couldnt justify it. Stick a different center cap in the middle and no-one will know what they are anyway when the car comes back and i can measure the ground clearance over some local bumps ill then be able to see how low i can go on these. dont be a this kinda muppit if you run fakes and are happy with them then cool but dont go sticking brands name logo on things that arnt ^^ This, and leave the price tag dangling off them too. That way everybody knows you couldn't afford the real deal Joking aside Pritchard, they look smart. Can't wait to see the overall finished results
  13. The op did say he has now had a full install, I assumed that meant new rear speakers. Op please confirm. He also said he had partial refund, so must've gone elsewhere.
  14. Surely they could've done a full and proper install, rather than refund. Something weird gone on here.
  15. And their response? Did they or are they going to put it right then?
  16. Looking good mate I also have a lip in my shed waiting to be fitted.
  17. Pretty sure as long as the led is flashing on the BT adapter, then do a Bluetooth search on your phone to pair to it. Can't remember if code is needed or not, but try 0000 or 1234. What phone do you have?
  18. Glad it all went well Dan We had another viewing of our new house today. Signed lots of papers, chose carpets, and got told about our free entertainment package. A 42" tv, a Bose sound bar and an iPad air 2. Not a patch on your TV Dan, but we already use a 55" in the lounge, so it will be a welcome second tv
  19. Having just consulted a couple of gay friends of mine they assure me that it is not their idea. They also assure me that they are quite offended by your derogatory use of terminology that describes their own sexual orientation. But 'Big Gay Wing' is ok to say everyday on here?
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