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Everything posted by Jp606

  1. Wow, that's cool, just when I thought I'd seen it all! Welcome
  2. I wonder if you could mod/get something similar to those BlackVue Power Magic things for their dash cams, they basically deactivate it if the battery voltage runs too low to stop you draining your battery when the car is sat for a while. http://www.blackvue.co.uk/index.php/online-shop/blackvue-accessories/power-magic-detail
  3. Doh! This would make me so angry if someone did that to me. It looks like a lot of that damage is paint transfer, does any of it come off? When I first got my Z I parked up the drive at my girlfriends house and needed to move her Mothers car out the way and ended up reversing against my own bloody car in it! Luckily it polished out, it looked a hell of a lot worse than it was, but I was so annoyed with myself at the time.
  4. Nice, looks good and the wheel colour really suits it Definitely the fastest colour for Zs and you've also got the coolest name
  5. Awesome, will do haha it's a very unique car, hardly see any around so not surprised at that reaction!
  6. Haha that's great. What colour was it? I saw a black '08 near copthorne the other evening giving it a bit too many beans as well. You must be very local to me, would love to see the Mustang in the flesh. I'll give you a wave if I see you
  7. Looking good I always find a bit of Plus Gas Releasing Fluid helps on seized nuts and bolts, touch wood I haven't had one snap or get stuck yet using this it really does work. Make sure you have a geometry set up for the new springs, my alignment was massively out after fitting.
  8. Or cut a hole in the roof? There was a thread the other day similar to this, and there was a 6'4 person in there that said he only just fits with the seat fully back. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/85892-seat-position/
  9. The rectangle indicator and fog light assemblies? There's just a screw in each corner that screws into the inside of the bumper.
  10. I know the guy that owns this, used to be my neighbour. I don't think he's a member on here, but I will point him towards the forum
  11. If you are running very low then it should be alright to top up with that, but best to get the correct oil in there as soon as. Running these engines with little oil in is extremely bad for them.
  12. Can't really tell from pictures. I'd be inclined to rebuild them. Install some braided hoses whilst you are there.
  13. That happens when the coats are too thick or you spray too close, it needs multiple thin layers.
  14. 100 times this! This is probably the only real annoying thing about the Z is it's lack of accelerator foot rest, my last car had one and it was great for long journeys.
  15. Not a HR by the sounds of it, never seen a 2006 one.
  16. That would be 4RE Leather's supercharged HR
  17. I'm just down the road to where this was, I don't see many Zeds about but the ones that do often wave. I'll keep an eye out for you and I'll wave, beep, flash and wave a flag out the window for you
  18. That is gorgeous, will keep an eye/ear out for you as I'm also in sussex, would love to see this! My neighbour has a black 1967 coupe similar to this, with the 289ci engine and 3 speed auto such a lovely motor. He's owned it for 26 years (bought it when he was 21) and completely restored it. Doesn't come out often but when it does I always have to go and have a look.
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