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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. Just at the round about heading up to the orb. Just clocked him as i was going round and heading the other way.
  2. Hope thats a jap Jeep ? lol I will check with my ball and chain and see if I am allowed to go ! its an American jeep but il get some Nissan burgers on it for the day Stick any 350z parts you have lying about on it ! You gt wheels lol
  3. Hope thats a jap Jeep ? lol I will check with my ball and chain and see if I am allowed to go !
  4. If you are looking for a roadster, I always check whats for sale around glasgow neck of the woods. There is a red roadster for 8.5K that has been for sale when I bought my ZED away back in feb. So they aint having much luck punting it so maybe worth a go trying to get it down to the 7K your looking to pay. Also I prefer the coupe, don't like the look of it with the roof up, and it is scotland after all,,,, when will it be down?
  5. Is it £20 for the car, or per person ?
  6. Now you get the joy of bringing it back to life!
  7. Are those seats pink as well ? ? only in stirling ehhh
  8. Just replaced my RE050s on the front with the KU39' only went on yesterday morning and its been raining but they feel good, and at £108 per tyre, can't complain
  9. I am stumped.... To be honest it aint so bad, its going in to get the bumper sprayed and new bonnet, that might solve it? Doubt it
  10. there is a meet at the coatbridge showcase friday the 12th. You should come along
  11. I was on the motorway today, checked the windows they where fine. My tyre was "damaged" thought it was tht but got a brand new one fitted today,,, stumped
  12. I will give the car a once over at the weekend and make sure there is nothing sticking out that shouldn't be
  13. Only speeding fine i got was in 2002 seat leon,,,,, kind of want to go get one in this to be honest! Cant have a car like this and not get a speeding find
  14. Wouldn't put it past them lol i hate music in the morning so i drive with no sound, end up hearing every squeak. Just hope it doesn't get any louder !
  15. Yes it 100% sounds as though it is coming from the front off the car. It has been happening for a while, not got a clue :s
  16. When I am driving on the motorway I hear a whistling noise when I go up to about 80mph, then if I go back to 70mph it stops ....? Don't know whether the car is moaning at me for speeding or there is something wrong ? any suggestions ?
  17. I see Chris made it down with the Temper orange, Neil wasn't left on his own! gutted I didn't make it
  18. I know the feeling, I bought my Zed in Feb, had it for a few days and was coming home to see steam coming from my bonnet. Had over heated in Scotland in the winter,,, there was snow on the car to give you an idea how cold it was. I had the same feeling, totally ruined the new car feeling and thought it was going to be a money pit. However the garage took the car back ( had it for a week) gave me a Mini to help me along. (cooper S JW) Got the car back and it was a fan issue, so they tell me however its been absolute fine ever since. Couldn't think about having another car that wasn't an upgrade from this. You wont regret keeping it !
  19. Looks good ! Shame about the skirts but looks like it will only be a small set back
  20. They advertise it is a new grill without removing the old one, so put your old one back on! Line it up to where you think it is right and the screw holes should coincide with a plastic panel in the bumper. Get the screws provided and screw them in ,,, easy !
  21. Yes it is really easy to fit, like you could do it in 69 seconds. So if you are having bother then no doubt you have got the wrong one...
  22. It doesn't feel like one, its almost as if the revs are dropping too low and it recovers but the rpm stays solid... She has just been picked up now to have a service tomorrow so we will see if any different if not i will take a closer look myself at the weekend when i can get her in the garage Have the same problem, i though misfire at first but after a full service, plugs the lot there was no change. Happy with those answers though ^
  23. I literaly bought all the stuff to spray mine this weekend because of this topic looking good mate !
  24. A mini to a Ferrari! ! that would have been something you would never have heard again lol They are paying you too much Neil ! Lol the mini was more expensive than the 350z! Jcw stuff has a massive premium, especially the wheels brakes seats and body kit let alone the tuning pack which got ripped out and altered after a few months lol. The Ferrari was in reach at about 40k for an older model. Couldn't afford a new one though. Wasn't thinking about repair costs at the time either. Thought I'd be cool as **** at 21 driving a Ferrari lol When I bought my Z they fan was ****ed and the garage gave me a John cooper works mini, had it for about 2 weeks. Red lined it everywhere, even parking lol Was fun to drive but I hated being on the motor way and guys passing you and looking in to see if you are a burd lol Tried to load a picture up there but I hate this Forum for uploading pictures ! 21 year old with a Ferrari that is mental, like kissing a Thai girl, looks stunning but you don't know what is waiting to **** you lol
  25. +1 for leave the bonnet, +1 for get the mirrors done as well, +1 for gloss black !
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