Thought that as I have caught Zeditis I best get a photo log going on here!
Feel free to ask about any mods, where I got them and how much they hurt the pocket, always worth it though
Bought the Zed in Feb 2013
55 plate sunset orange with 40K on the clock
Came with some sort of exhaust, standard 18" wheels sprays black(terribly) and a boom box in the boot
anyways here is was when I got it
Unfortunatly my early Zed ownership wasn't the best as it overheated within the first week ! !
This was during the winter so felt absolute sick thinking I bought a pig in a poke, however it turned out to be the common fault with the fan. The garage took it away (for a week!) and sorted it all out. To get me by the gave me this, Mini cooper s john cooper works. I tore the SH!T out of it
After that trauma, the modding began ! !
First up, take the 350z badge off, eventually go for the full smooth look
Also got a private reg aswell
Then it was booked in for window tints and the roof and front lip wrap
Next up I wanted to save myself money in the future, New disc brakes all round and pads all round. New spark plugs, filters and oil change. Gets the baby running sweet !
Next up Zunsport grill
Took the car to Japfest at knockhill, misses getting the car nice and clean !
Took the car to Milport, here it is on the Ferry
Car next to a lambo !
Bought myself the HR bonnet off Zmanalex, top guy. Sent it too my sisters house and could get it back. Mate has a Focus and couldn't even get it close to in ! !
Next purchase, got a nismo spoiler already sprayed in sunset orange ! result !
Sat it on to check colour match
Was to good to be true though, body shop said that the original spoiler was glued on as it must have came off before and they couldn't take it off without damaging the boot. So low and behold the £25 they where taking to fit the spoiler increased. They wanted to spray the boot lid but I took the opportunity to get the back smoother and the wing sprayed black. So I said just to spray the boot and smooth the badge and spray the wing black and the base will be fine. Turned out the base is a slight shade off but not bad. Will get it re-sprayed eventually!
That is where I am at just now. Took the rear wiper off at the weekend very effective mod imo. I have purchased new alloys and spacers courtesy of Cozzi, just waiting on him to get his alloys so we can exchange
Just speaking to RT at the moment to get the Chargespeed rear, hopefully have that on and sprayed by mid sept.
Still need side skirts, front lip, engine dress and interior sorted