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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. hensh65

    N-3 Bumper

    My AMS GT front bumper was duraflex and required a lot of body work to get it to fit nice. When I was looking at changing the front there was a couple of replica nismo V3 front ends on ebay. It's either that or fork out £1K + for the real deal
  2. Thanks for that Ricey, I am in work but I will watch it when I get home!! 370ad, looking to spend around £4K, she said she wanted a Mini with leather seats. The only later mini's have high mileage and cloth interior which is no good.
  3. The woman ! I seen a few things on the water pump, I will check that.
  4. Hi all, I know there is quite a lot of you on here with misses who own a mini. We were originally looking at A1s but I manage to convice her to buy a car in cash rather that eat into the funds we could be paying for a mortgage each month. We went and had a look at the car below yesterday, the panels have a few scratches which obviously show up more on black, needs 2 tyres and one of the mini hub caps have fell off. Other than that it looks an ok deal. http://www.kennedycars.co.uk/used-cars/mini-hatch-cooper-1-6-cooper-3dr-glasgow-201503262081348 Other than the obvious service history, is there anything else I should be looking for with these? Cheers, Kris
  5. Cheers mate I got the headphone splitter cables already. Looks a good price and should do the job!
  6. I finally managed to clear some space out in the garage for an electric drum kit and managed to get a cheapish Yamaha electric kit. The question is, I want to connect the drum kit and my guitar into something like a mixing desk/PA so me and my mate can have the sound coming through headphones. Surely there must be something other than buying a mixing desk that would allow this? The drum kit has a few channel outputs and I can output my guitar with my amp or effects pedal. Just looking to see what my options are! Cheers
  7. Seen your update on facebook so I thought I would check progress, get the finger out and get the pictures up
  8. Completely grey in Glasgow like every other day
  9. Where about are you from? Quite a lot of us in the Glasgow arear, we normally arrange something for the last Sunday of every month at Euro Central. There is a Tartan Tarmac meet we just jump on the back of
  10. You would probably see more gains out of a service for £150 than any performance part. Its a slippy road with the zed when you start modifying. I would just enjoy the car for what it is
  11. I must have missed the thread the first time, that guy talks one load of rubbish
  12. If it makes you feel any better someone smashed the drivers window on my a5. Stranded all weekend without a car. We're both having a bad week
  13. He picked the nicest one mate, would even look good on your bm
  14. Few folk about our way with low loaders, why don't you just get it dropped off at Simons?
  15. Bad Bhoy Martin, I don't have any pictures but I can describe it to you. the start of many months being skint
  16. You would be as well as, not get one of the boys vans and take a wee road trip down and get some karting on the way?
  17. AMT just on the 1/4 mile and the Fabia, http://www.crailraceway.co.uk/showdrag.php?RID=19&EVDate=2015-03-01 2 Fabias at the 1/4 run 14.3s. Straight line racing in a Zed is like taking a pack of condoms to see your gran, pointless. Its not its strength but then again its still fun to drag race so I understand why people do it.
  18. 1/ martinmac +1 Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. At home. 2/ Flyboy and Flygirl.Fri, Sat. Camping off site. 3/ Lexx + 1 Fri, Sat. S/C. Booked. 4/ NeilP + Hensh Fri,Sat Camping on site. 5/ SHEZZA + 1 Fri, Sat , Sun. B&B Booked. 6/ Steve Burns F/S/S and most of following week Bank House rented 6 bed property 7/ Paul Wrangle F/S/S and most of following week Bank House rented 6 bed property 8/ Kevin Kay + Fiona Tough F/S/S and some of following week Bank House rented 6 bed property 9 Dale Errington + Mandy F/S Bank House rented 6 bed property 10/ glrnet T/F/S Happy to help out again on Thursday Martin. Accom booked 11/AndyG8nby & Amanda fri sat sun Eabank Lodge booked
  19. 6th Gear in my HR isn't the best either but tbh it is your top gear so it won't pull like a Ferrari lol Having said that at around 3000rpm in 5th the Z still pulls hard (and still giving you that shunt in the back if the pedals stabbed at) leaving most stuff behind. I'm guessing the 370 would also.... If you are sitting at 2000rpm in 6th and plant it you wont be anywhere near your peak power thus rubbish cars can keep up no problem. But your not comparing apples with apples. Put a 1.6 at 50mph in top gear and accelerate and you will be lucky if it moves. The car will more in any gear at almost any speed but if you want to put the fabia in its place then you best drop a few
  20. hensh65

    which wheels

    Gold for me mate, they suit silver really well. Think the blacks are nice but would go better with another colour IMO.
  21. An Evo 8 wont be running much more power than a zed (unless its tuned), plus as you said, it would have been a different story from a stand still. The other big factor that could have played in your favour is if you got on the power first. the power is instant in the Zed but not so much in turbos. Zeds performances vary so much, people getting there DE mapped with minor mods and seeing 300bhp and then other DE owners are lucky to get their car anywhere near the 280bhp quoted.
  22. Amuse front, CS and a STUBBY. They will be on here
  23. He said he wasn't going hard and I would probably think he wasn't. DEs can't get close to the 370 being driven properly so obviously an HR cant.
  24. There was a couple of VXR there yesterday The most impressive thing there by a mile was my mates Golf R, he has a tunning box and he was honestly not far behind a couple of the GT-Rs that were there! He run a 12.3 in pretty rubbish conditions!!!
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