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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. Sorry, but I have to take umbrage with that. How can an individual's opinion on what is or is not fast enough or, more importantly, fun enough, ever be considered fact? Yes, I have the best of both worlds, but if the 911 was to go (and it was up for sale for a good few months) then I'd only have the MX-5 and that would've more than satisfied me in terms of driving experience. If a car needs masses of power to be fun then it's not a very good car, simple as. An Elise S1 will struggle to be any quicker than a diesel Mondeo, but I'd suggest that the Lotus is about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on when it comes to cars. If you want to be like that, then 370 offers very little: It's heavy, makes a terrible noise, and on the roads will be left for dead by an RS Megane. Why spend £30K on a car that doesn't offer the full experience? I wouldn't spend 30K on a 370, but if I did it would still beat the GT86 and BRZ hands down in every department rather than seats. However there are a lot of cars for 30K I would rather spend money on offering much more than the GT86. (which is around the same weight as a 370 only with less power) Cars are supposed to be getting better, this car is slow by 90s speeds. This car has been designed and advertised with performance in mind. The facts are, it isn't fast at all. You can scream all day that the car will be fun to drive and that some how toyota have managed some amazing driving set up that no other car has and can offer as much fun (BULLSH) The car is not an upgrade to a 350Z never mind a 370Z ! If I was spending that kind of money on a car it would be a second hand car that would be more than an upgrade to zed in all boxes. TBH you aren't going to agree with me, and if you love it and thought as much about it you would be driving one, which you aren't. If I pulled up next to someone at lights in a gt86 I would leave them standing, if they where behind me on a country road I would leave them for dead and I would be having more fun in the process fact
  2. I couldnt disagree with you any more on the GT86 or BRZ, but I couldnt agree anymore with your choices in cars. Yes having a fun car is just as vital as having a fast one, you have both. 911 which is fast and I would hope fun although I haven't driven one, and a MK1 mx5 which you wouldnt have broke the bank for and got all the fun factor. So best of both worlds, but 20 - 30K for a car only offering part of the experince isn't good enough. I would say IMO but the facts back it up
  3. It worked Ekona you obviously looked at one for a replacement for your Zed but instead opted for a much more powerful porsche. Control didnt stop you upgrading
  4. :scare: my head hurts ! ! Your car has the weight of a pile of wet socks thus 147 bhp is good! ! This car has 200 bhp and isn't light. The car is over priced, slow and isn't that good looking. I can't believe on a 350z forum people are interested in swaping a car of similar size only with at least 80 bhp less. :wacko:
  5. Pretty much because it didn't try and oversteer at every single corner. Whilst the fact that the 'Yota does like to have it's arse hanging out all the time is probably half of the appeal, I much preferred the way the stiffer front springs on the Scoob allowed the front end to tuck in quicker. This meant you could get back on the power earlier and ring the neck out of the engine, and since that's exactly what you need to do to make progress it seemed like the way to go. The interior is slightly less awful in the BRZ too. We did come very close to buying the BRZ but the numbers just didn't stack up in the end. Anyone who thinks that 200bhp isn't plenty enough for the roads probably needs to learn how to drive Your wrong, anyone who accepts 200 bhp for the road is getting old and boring
  6. Zmanalex for the bonnet 100% dont know if the price will be the same as when i got it but will be around £400 for the bonnet. Then you need to remember spraying costs, depending on what colou your zed is you might need the front bumper and wings sprayed. So its upwards of £800 mod. Worth it though
  7. The difference in weight between the Mr2 and GTI-6 and 200SX and 350Z is less than between a GT86 and and a 370Z. Anyway, the point was that its not about numbers, its about how the car drives. I accept your point, but choose to disagree
  8. I am too serious to pick up in something as subtle as that
  9. If you look a few posts above you will see I already acknowledged that, I was pointing out you where still getting RWD. I wouldn’t compare a VXR, ST or type R to the GT86 although they would all leave it looking daft in a straight line, you would like to think the GT86 would make it up in the corners plus RWD is much more fun the FWD. Compared to a Zed, Z4 or Evo x (more than 2 seats) all in the same price bracket, it doesn’t win anything at all. Maybe the windows go up faster than theirs? Not asking you to agree but I will judge you if you buy one But it is different! Whats different ?
  10. If you look a few posts above you will see I already acknowledged that, I was pointing out you where still getting RWD. I wouldn’t compare a VXR, ST or type R to the GT86 although they would all leave it looking daft in a straight line, you would like to think the GT86 would make it up in the corners plus RWD is much more fun the FWD. Compared to a Zed, Z4 or Evo x (more than 2 seats) all in the same price bracket, it doesn’t win anything at all. Maybe the windows go up faster than theirs? Not asking you to agree but I will judge you if you buy one
  11. If you are planning to mod then you should weight up the road tax gains from the 276bhp, but most people on the forum will replace the exhaust, HFC or decats and a plenum spacer before you would get it remaped. you are looking at over 1K for this, and 20 extra bhp is what you would roughly get.
  12. Put it this way, Ive got a MK3 MR2 (140hp), a GTI-6 (167hp), a 350Z (300ish hp) and an all singing and dancing 400hp 200SX track car (or I did, thanks concrete wall ) Notice the order - it looks like a list thats increasing in terms of power and performance but its actually in correct order as far as sheer driving pleasure goes, particularly on the road rather than the track, at a recent day at Anglsey the MR2 was miles more fun than the Zed was simply because you had to work harder at it Totally differnt though, an Mr2 is a small car than you can fling about a track or a road. I would totally agree with that being a cracking car, but the difference in weight between the 370 and the GT86 (assuming you where comparing) is a slightly fat passenger, but you get 130 extra bhp, rwd and 2 seconds of a difference to 60. quite frankly these cars are in different leagues.
  13. I know mate, just wanted to be a d**khead
  14. Isn't that much between them that I would go shouting about, both pretty slow. I know there is more to driving than smashing it off the line but having power at your feet must be high on the list on this forum of all places ! !
  15. If being left at the lights is a deal breaker then, yes, it would be hard to explain the appeal of a Caterham 1.4 Supersport (one of the sweetest models made) or an Alfasud or and indeed, a GT86. An early morning trip on your favourite B road might though. I am not saying the car will be lifeless and boring however I would put money on going from a Zed to a gt86 you wouldn't be happy with the power at you feet. I just don't see anyone who can argue the point of this car which I would not budge on. The top price currently on auto is 36K for a car that can get of the line to 60 in 7.6 secs. Tell me a sports car for that money on sale today that is worse than that. It isnt small like the vx or elise that you could say it would be a monster in the corners, although I will admit it might be half decent around a bend but with no power to pull it out its a waste. Very nice to look at but if I bought one in someone in a 370z pulled up next to me at the lights I would feel stupid.
  16. Buy the kit yourself for a start, I havent replaced mine but it is a good time to upgrade from the standard with a light weight fly. I am sure some of the traders on here will be able to offer you something at a quarter of the price. Then see if anyone in the area knows any decent garages to get the work done
  17. When I changed my bonnet from the vq to the HR I left the old one with the body shop as they aren't worth squat maybe a few years ago you would have still had to pay good money now but I am sure you could get one for under £100 in good nick, same for the wings.
  18. Any reason you are reffering to it as "nizmo" ?
  19. Yes they attached 2 leaf blowers to the bonnet and it made 0 difference at all. they done a home made blow off valve that was pretty sweet though if thats what you into
  20. I don't know why people are keen to mention the GT 86 ,,, it really is rubbish and just don't get it it isn't that cheap, just about every hatch back with the word hot infront of it will leave it at the lights (deal breaker itself) but we are forgetting its rwd, so is an much cheaper mx5 which is still faster than that. Anyone want to explain the appeal ?
  21. Those were nice cars still a few years back but they are really showing their age. The XK people where talking about still look pretty good but that isn't the best. Still for the money it is a lot of car!
  22. I seen this on facebook, absolute hillarious
  23. Dropped the car in the body shop this morning for the chargespeed rear to be fitted, have to take public transport for the rest of the week which is going to be a killer Took my car on a spirited drive drive that was put on by Nissan in edinburgh, around 10 GTR's in attendance, 2 370z nismo and around 5 350z'. 17 cars in a line going through small villages didn't attract any attention at all not even when we took a wrong turn into mcdonalds Think my new alloys should be here next week so glad the mods are moving on again
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