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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. SC is the way to go, but if you want any real gains then your pockets need to be deep.... Once I get a shot ( I right ) in Chubbys on Sunday I will let you know if it is worth it
  2. hensh65


    Chavs dont have time for driving 350z' too busy driving scoobys and evos
  3. Ones silver the others gun metal Blades just the nissan paint name, sunset orange, ultra yellow azure blue etc.
  4. Have a look at the one i am about to post upbit has a picture of probz this car
  5. healthy amount of zeds this side of the border, and living only a few miles away or the guy above me is more than a bonus! Across the whole range you have de 03 to 55 all reliable, 06 uprev reliable but known to consume a lot of oil. 07- HR different eninge with more power. If you can come to glasgow on sunday you will get a look at everyone of them and also supercharged ones to wet your appetite
  6. I had an FN1 and always in my mates EP3, totally different cars. He comes on a lot of the Zeds meets with me and sometimes brings his EP3 but finds he is constantly tearing it to bits to keep up with the pace However it might not have a boy racer look about it but you still get the boy racers sitting 2 inchs from your hoop I enjoy taking the bait thought
  7. Some amount of money for what it is ! ! although it does look minted! what about the big beasty RT does ?
  8. when i fitted the nismo spoiler i had the same problem. it takes 2 mins start to finish to remove the boot weight :thums:
  9. I have a nismo fitted would leave this to one of you guys as you actually drift the car, I just park it
  10. Thing you need to consider as well, most people who fit the nismo spoiler have it bolted onto the original oem holes then bonded. This boot doesn't have those either, personally I quite like the spoiler and would keep it.
  11. 100% wont be covered by the nismo spoiler, but you could sell it for good cash which will cover the respray for the boot, it will no doubt be bolted on so will need a bit of body work. might be worth buying a new boot lid and selling that one
  12. hensh65

    Which fuel

    I wasn't fussed until I read the topic on the damage and now its only Shell V-power that goes in now However you never said what Zed you have,,, if you have an HR then any will do
  13. If it is 100% not the engine then maybe go round the car and put some weight on each wheel and see if you can replicate the noise. I would say drop links, the aggresive noise might be because your cars on its hole
  14. Mine is only crunching in 5th, which is fine because I never use 5th 4th to 6, if you need 5th you are driving too fast shame mine does it on 6th :/ Say about 4k Revs in 4th straight to 6th and you can hear it crunching it Slower speeds under 60mph and it slots in perfectly fine. Ahh not had that tbh, only time I noticed it was when I was 5K+ in 4th going up to 5th... just enjoy the crunch or stop canning it
  15. Mine is only crunching in 5th, which is fine because I never use 5th 4th to 6, if you need 5th you are driving too fast
  16. Admiral are ok with body kits
  17. One of them is different from the others, they do look like bridgestones but I think someone should mail him and tell him he won't get rid of them anytime soon at that price
  18. Yeh there is probz around 8 going around motherwell,,, ridiculous
  19. There is another sunset going about, think you saw it before as well, reg was somthing saying omair
  20. Its a 2 stage, first is with the client director of scotland then if all goes well then its a flight to st albans to interview with CEO. Not exactly the easiest route. Currently an IT contractor basically doing low level service management, but have been put forward by my managers manager.
  21. That can only be good news ~ more responsibility, more money to blow on the Zed. First ever internal interview so will be an experince and a half !
  22. since this post ive just been invited for a promotion interview on the 7th of november... Service manager role so now am planking it !
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