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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. Was driving back from Edinburgh to Glasgow and saw a black rag top just ahead pulling off around 11 half 11. I was doing quite a fair speed trying to over take before you get off but was too far back Just heading back from lunch and a black 370 coupe past at the water front.
  2. Wow, that will get some interest if you put it up !
  3. I work in glasgow, give me a shout when your coming
  4. Nice wheels, condition isn't the best though. Someone could DIY spray them black for little expense which would give them a better finish. GLWTS
  5. The nismo wheels are stunning, even better in person and worth a bit of stick from Gman I am sure someone has asked mate but you aren't planning on getting this one perfect and the week later breaking it? surely you cant get itchy feet with 500hp !
  6. Just make sure if you want an 07 you get the HR engine, easy to spot as the bonnet has a buldge rather than the 2 indented lines
  7. Just the way the picture has been took its one splitter but the sides taper much lower then the middle
  8. Yes infinity ward I meant were the best, although zombies was fun. I remember taking the day off work when Black ops 2 came out and as someone mentioned the issues on the ps3 were unreal. It was unplayable and I ended up playing MW3 again which although I loved cod 4 I think MW3 is a sensational game. My misses bought me mw2 and 3 so feels its only natural she will buy me this one, I won't argue
  9. +1 on the email as username, unless its not actually your email
  10. COD 4 MW was amazing, I like all the modern war games however I don't rate the activision games! Zombies is fun but thats it.
  11. hensh65


    Still talking about lights Will ?
  12. Everyone was buzzing for GTA, any COD fans on the forum?
  13. Would love to see what a bookshop could do with the bodykit your putting on it mate I don't know how hard it was to get the piston on but is it worth trying the other one that isn't fitted to see if maybe just the one you have is a duff?
  14. That was quick getting them on! Yes +1 on contacting the supplier, if they were 350z specific then give them a shout
  15. Got the car back tonight being 5 days late ! Made worse by the train i was getting on friday being cancelled just to rub it in my face Quick snap of the body shop goving it a once over Really happy with RT performance splitter, didnt expect to like it as much as i do Will get the car gutted at the weekend as it smells like the body shop then get decent snaps up
  16. Zmanalex has a car putting out stats around that its in his signature
  17. Fade away and you top at 120 must be fast
  18. where your bought the car would also narrow it
  19. Yes to all, however you could get a later registered 2005 as a 2006 which wouldn't be a rev up. Same engine in Jap imports
  20. You might get lucky with someone looking for 4 doors. You can get a decent 05 06 for around 7.5 8k coupe or roadster
  21. 06 is facelift, 07 hr (watch for late registered facelifts) 280 ish for pre 06 475 for after. Personally if you are happy to pay the tax save up and get the HR if not then 55 plate is what to look out for.
  22. I doubt a body shop would charge very much to do it, I mean they could probably do it there and then, only thing is getting the bonnet to them as this was a pain for me ! !
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