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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. Was up sorting a few things and getting another look around the car.
  2. Just in case you think I'm talking sh!t http://www.rightmove.co.uk/s6p/48961595 you can buy a castle up here for that
  3. £500k would buy you a mansion in Scotland
  4. Will do, i think it might be next Monday by the time the wheels are refurbed amd i get it.
  5. Mate, honestly there was nothing that took my fancy. I can actually attend jap fest this year and not park in thw car park
  6. I am going to try and cut my driving down, maybe the push to actually get the train and stop being lazy. But i enjoy driving and the social side that comes with owning a performance car. The a5 just offered nothing.
  7. Well guys I just got a car today.... Dont be angry at me Subaru Impreza WRX hatch in pearlescent white. It also has the upgraded OZ wheels. I am going from £296 for the A5 to £215 for the Scooby which included 4 wheel refurb. They are currently gold with scuffs on all the wheels. Going for black (sorry Irfan )
  8. Its around 1k negative equity which isnt shocking. I put a decent deposit down when i bought it. Yeh I can use the mini so I am hoping to sell privately.
  9. The issue is with going for an older car is i need to get rid of the A5. I am trying to sell private to clear the finance but obviously i can clear it with a px and cheaper car. Just whatever one happens first!
  10. My commute is in peak times so i rarely see over 40mpg (car has a map)
  11. I managed to cut the modding bug but just replaced it with a more expensive car
  12. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: You will, trust me. You might save 2mpg, but other than that there'll be no difference. Which is why you should get the STi! I just need to find one in my price range
  13. Well suggest something that isnt paying over the top for your oil burner
  14. Surely the hatch is a little less nedy (Chavy if you're english)
  15. I am lucky as we have the deposit that will be at least 20% of the value we're looking to mortgage, the reason I am not moving out right now as we have booked the wedding for Nov next year and will have that completely paid off by the end of this year. This isn't a massive strain as we had already paid most of it. We have a mini that was bought on cash so we don't owe anything on it and this will soon become my daily as the misses walks to work as its round the corner. (plan to stay local when we buy) So I am looking for a nice car for running around in that will be nice as well as fast but doesn't have the big monthly bill. The BMW idea has been hammered on here, that was £10K I've seen a nice WRX hatch, 09plate with 39K miles for £7.5K. Its not the STI which isn't great but it also means it wont have the STI running and maintenance costs.
  16. I've cancelled the appointment to see it tonight,,,,, This forum has more of an input in my life than my misses
  17. Appreciate the advice lads, The thing is when I got the A5 it was a saving from the Zed. I was spending stupid money modifying the car on top of using it as a daily. How much i've save myself,,, who knows I am too young to be making sensible decisions!
  18. There is one s2000 for 10500 and its a 52 plate
  19. Dare I say it ....... I think they are a better looker than the 350/370 But dude , you really need to slap yourself round the face . Get rid of any monthly dept you have .... Make is as easy as possible to get your mortgage , once your in your place you will find many things to spend your money on ( and more than likely get more enjoyment out of this than a car ) I think a nice car would make me happier than a nice kitchen
  20. I would Dan but i think its harder when you add part ex into the mix. I had it at 100 miles from me and couldnt see any. Any nice ones down your way?
  21. You're right mate but the loan for my A5 will be cleared first them a new loan for a lesser amount. So it should line me up better.
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