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Everything posted by hensh65

  1. No matter what you're driving its always good to know the track and the racing line. Someone driving smooth on the racing line will be faster than someone hammering it not on the racing line. If you know the track and lines just keep pushing yourself each lap until you find the cars/your limit and try and get a clean lap near the end when your tyres are at the hottest. Also if you are taking turns in the car make sure you go on last Less fuel and tyres should be slightly warmer. Take a massive trip to the toilet as well every little helps.
  2. PM Tarmac, he is the guy for getting all the weird and wonderful things V3 falls under weird but that IMO
  3. Clearly you're using the wrong fuel with mixed tyres and you don't know what the redline is
  4. Nah! That is in the Poly Tunnel. As far as build projects starting, this one is epic !!!
  5. Looks a beast Alex, is that a hash plantation in the background
  6. Are you talking about the 5.0 V8 petrol Yes, i believe its supercharged as 5.0 v8 isnt enough
  7. Going from a 2 seat, RWD sports car to a saloon isn't going to feel anywhere near the same. What made you think about the xf 3.0d? the guy who does work on my car just picked up a really nice XFr for 19K in amazing condition, why not that?
  8. Stu, your detailing kit is obscene escpically for a colour that never looks dirty You should just give it to me
  9. Might add there has been a few FI zeds for sale for not much more than that. 450bhp in a zed might be an option?
  10. This is also variable. I just don't want to go any slower. Running costs are not a massive factor, but preferably as little as possible. There is always the option of getting something with tuning potential. for under 10K an Evo might be a shout
  11. Less than 5 secs with a budget of 10K will bring down the amount of cars you can choose from! What about running costs are you happy with paying good money keeping it on the road?
  12. Sergio Aguero drives a 350z!!!! Sorry, but I do feel sorry for you gearbox & clutch
  13. You need to be vague about these sorts of things with non car folk Your car won a competition,,, thee end
  14. They normally go between 40 and 60k. So if you change the clutch it wont be wasted time.
  15. next time you go over the rough ground and its making the noise hold the brake in and see if the noise stops. If it does then you will most likely have the banana arm fault google it as its common
  16. I never understand it Happens a lot, Someone asks question 'what 2+2?' someone replies 4. Then 10 other people also have to reply 4....we got the answer in the first reply! But if you reply you get to spam up your post count
  17. Striking design yes, but do you actually like it ?
  18. I'm just as much a Zed owner as you mate Kidding The zed has sold on so I may give the guys a shout at the dealership just to make sure I don't have to do anything. I remember my brother getting a speeding fine through the door a few months after he sold the car. I don't think he sent away the part to say he isn't the owner so they automatically sent the speeding ticket to him!
  19. Hey guys, When i traded my zed in 2 weeks ago the trader paid and arranged the swap of my private plate. Came home today to 2 dvla letters. One for my private plate on the new car and another for the zeds original plate in my name :S Anyone want to shed a bit of light on this?
  20. I actually click on these just to see the hate Love it.
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