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About KosmiK

  • Birthday 05/06/1988


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  1. I've just got a long threaded piece of metal which screws into where the tow hook goes. Onto that is fixed a bracket which the number plate screws into. Easy enough to remove with a screwdriver and spanner.
  2. I wrapped mine myself a few years ago using Hexis. Main reason was I had more time than money. It takes a long time and it is hard, but there's a good saving to be made if you perseve. Happy to answer any questions you have.
  3. Right, finally got mine fitted. Word of warning though, you will need 25mm spacers minimum in the front. Turns out I only had 20mm so had to grind the studs down. I went for 245/30 r19 fronts and 285/30 r19 rears. The light wasn't on my side but here's some terrible pics.
  4. Picked mine up directly from the Hexis trade counter in Lichfield.
  5. I ordered a 370z spare wheel from Nissan on eBay and they sent me an extra wheel, I think for a qashqai. I stupidly told them about their mistake so they asked me to post it back and they'd reimburse me. I said no, and that they can come and collect it. Apparently they are unable to collect it from the address, despite delivering to it a few days ago. They then suggested I drop it off at the local Nissan garage, which I refuse to do since there's no way I'm getting any compensation for my trouble. Told them to either collect it, pay my expenses (only £5) in advance or it'll go in the bin. Anyone need a qashqai spare?
  6. Sorry to hear you're having a bad time with insurance. Not had a great experience recently myself. My renewal's due next month, and I found out the claim cost on a bump I had this year was £1,470. For all this damage.
  7. Today, for the first time someone complimented my car, sort of. I was just reaching my car in the carpark and a guy comes over and asks what it is and says how nice it looks. We chat a bit and he asks what I paid for it. Now I've always wondered what the perceived value was to other people, especially with a private plate hiding the age. So I asked him what he thought, hoping for some huge number. "One and a half" he says. I paused a little, stunned, and replied "Just over six". A little more idle chat and off he went. Now I know my car might not be in the best nick, but on what planet is a car like this only worth a grand and a half?
  8. KosmiK

    hood wrapping

    I wrapped my car and it was probably one of the harder panels due to it's size, especially the bonnet grooves. If you've got the time, space and some decent vinyl then it's definitely doable though. But as everyone else said, 2 people. 2-3 hours, £50+ in vinyl & tools We properly cocked up and ended up with a scrunched up mess in one of the grooves due to a giant trapped air bubble and couldn't originally be bothered to sort it, since we'd been at it so long, but we then decided to sort it, which meant peeling off almost half the bonnet to get to it, worth it though in the end. Edges are dead easy to wrap, back corners slightly annoying, not much space back there.
  9. Dude when you post heat is it done with the backing on or off? Everytimeive tried to post heat I've done it backing off and I get in a right old tangle Post heating is done with the backing off, once the Vinyl is already applied to the car.
  10. It is a right ballache. I only did 1 as my brother did the other when we wrapped my car. And to be honest they both need re-doing, i just haven't been bothered because they look fine from a distance and no one's likely to come and inspect the wrinkled edges on the wing mirror. Can't really offer any advice as I don't really feel like I learned much from my last attempt, might just paint them instead. Just make sure it's post heated afterward, i didn't bother since I knew it was basically a practice. Looked fine for a while then the edges started wrinkling.
  11. KosmiK

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    It only cost me £350 in total, so a saving of £1200 - £1500 suits me. It's 12 years old with 100k on the clock, so who knows how much life it has left? On the front bumper its mainly the bottom edge running along the splitter. Because the splitter was already fixed on we didn't have a nice crisp edge we could wrap around like on the every other edge. I'm hoping some black sealant along the bottom will help disguise where the vinyl meets the splitter. Plus we did a better job the second time than the first, there's less wrinkles this time.
  12. KosmiK

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Thanks for the kind words I wasn't too happy with the bumpers but fortunately (not really) I went into the back of someone the other week, so it needs re-doing. So we'll be able to make a better job of it this weekend. At the moment it's a horrible red primer colour from last weekends repair.
  13. A few of us, myself included use Andy at Parkside Autos in Wednesbury. Some pics of my front bumper smooth and respray here http://www.350z-uk.c...p-near-walsall/ And some of the work ph7's had done in his build thread here http://www.350z-uk.c...-yearly-update/
  14. KosmiK

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    I'd not considered plastidip, as I don't have a garage either. Luckily I was allowed to use the valeting bay at work, otherwise I was going to just do it outside. Can you get gloss plastidip these days? I'll definitely sort the door handles, just got a few more things to finish up first.
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