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Everything posted by gingerslippers

  1. Hi there, I noticed that there was some wind noise coming from the drivers side and upon further inspection, it appears that there are a couple of small marks on the roof. Air is obviously getting in but there doesn't appear to be any signs of water coming in. Im thinking that I should address this issue sooner rather than later as the issue may get worse if left (especially over winter). I approached a local guy who advertises convertible repair and he has quoted £20 to put some patches in....presume they are just standard sticky water resistant patches that are flexible. I could probably find them and do it myself. Upon further inspection I noticed that the stitching is coming away. Does anyone have any experience of these type of issues and how best to address? Can anyone recommend anyone local to Basingstoke/ Hampshire? Pics here: http://s1350.photobucket.com/user/gingerslippers/slideshow/350Z%20roof Thanks
  2. Thanks, turns out that the P80BT I have is incomplete so have just bought a new P800BT. I just want improved sound quality and integrated BlueTooth for my phone so went for the cheaper option. Being installed on Saturday for £70 so thanks for all your help guys. Cheers
  3. Thanks, I think I will stick with installing the P80BT. It sounds like there will be some marked improvements and it looks much better!
  4. Tanks for the advice. Ive contacted a few other local people so hopefully a more reasonable human being comes forward! Is the Appradio good with the iphone?
  5. Yeah, I think he has me mistaken for some sort of idiot. Maybe its because the car is perceived as expensive so I have loads of money. Even if I was a millionaire, it wouldn't mean I'd accept being treated like a tool!
  6. That is one worth looking at although I just got an initial quote back from a guy who reckons it will take 3 hours and he works at £75/ hour. I told him to do one as I think he is trying it on!
  7. Thanks for the many responses. I think I will change the unit. I went into Halfords yesterday to see if they could help....it never ceases to amaze me just how crap they are in there! Hopefully there is someone local that is searchable on Google that can do it!
  8. Excellent thread! Only bought my 350z a couple of weeks ago and did get a reduction in the price as I pointed out that the cambelt might need changing and would be costly! Ive woke this morning and (kinda) saved money!!
  9. HI, recently picked up my 05 350z and had driven it a few days without issue. I then took it on a 40 mile trip and the EML came on. The car seemed to drive ok but the EML persisted. I got my mechanic guy to come around and connect up to his computer and he said it is the Lambda sensor no2 and may just need a run. He cleared the fault and it seems ok at the mo but wondered if I should worry or be looking for potential issues? Apparently the car was standing for a time prior to me buying/ collecting it. Any advise/ help would be great. Thanks
  10. Yeah, must admit that I wasnt amazingly impressed by the sound system but know that the Pioneer is quite old. It looks good but would hate to install it only to find its worse than the Bose!!!
  11. Hi there, I wondered if anyone could give me some advice on the 350z Bose stereo. I have a Pioneer P80BT which I had aimed to install in my Supra but never got around to it. I wondered if it was worth installing in the 350z instead of the Bose double din or is the Bose a better system so not worth changing? Any help would be great!
  12. Yes, I looked at that thread. It recommended the AutoGlym stuff and the Renovo. The issue with the Renovo stuff is that they do a fabric and a Vinyl version and the thread just says, make sure you get the right one but doesnt say which is right! Maybe its just best I get the AG stuff!!!
  13. Great - is that listed as a fabric or vinyl kit? Some say its crucial as to what you get! I really want something that cleans/ revives/ blackens like new but has properties to protect after treating. Thanks
  14. Hi there, Apologies for covering old ground but having looked at the posts on this site and in general on Google, I wanted to make sure that I am caring and protecting for my 05 plate 350z correctly. There seems to be a lot of confusion on Google over whether the roof is made of a type of vinyl or fabric. On first inspection it seems like fabric but can understand that it could be vinyl as it has a type of plastic consistency. After much reading on the net, it seemed that the Renovo 2 stage cleaner & proofer was the way forward but having seen some posts on here, I'm unsure. Is there anyone that knows for sure what the consistency of the roof is and what Nissan recommend to maintain? Ive used the Renovo Vinyl stuff and although its come up well, its not immaculate as I would imagine new! Sorry for covering off old ground but want to make sure as dont want to damage the roof!
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