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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. Just thinking while cleaning the Cat Flap !!!!


    My cat is on the larger size, he is nearly a British Blue, so hair gets caught around the sides.


    What a brilliant idea if someone invented inner brush for the cat flap. Save on grooming as often !!

    • Like 1
  2. We are reading and observing different magazines and articles obviously. !!

    Mine are very current- despite being a little older - thank you.


    I also hear the push on liking your curves, this IMO is to try and soften the bombardment of you must be slim to be anything.

    There is still a very big and real issue for the anorexia related problems going on today.


    I am not suggesting anyone is right or wrong here. There are always two sides - that's all.


    IMO - It is not easy today to get a fair based picture of the world due to the mass of media options available.

    • Like 1
  3. All I will say is why are there so many articles about diets for women then ?

    And.... why are there so many people in the gym - to get trim !!!


    There are many products on the market for men too now and many use them.


    The majority of models are very slim, too thin IMO.

    It is usually them you see in anything fashion related

    • Like 1
  4. I would suggest not believing everything you read and see.


    The media is telling you want people want. It sells papers, magazines, TV adverts.

    It is not real life. How do you think women feel always being told they must be stick thin and stunning looing.


    For you info - my ex is a body builder and competes.

    I think it is revolting !! I do admire the effort though.


    He started on this after we split !! Fortunately !!.


    • Like 1
  5. Chaps. This thread really has beaten us women up. No wonder we don't come on here often !! :-)


    I am proof a failed relationship (marriage) can result in a lasting friendship with no strings at all !!25 years ago now,. ! Neither of us had other people involved both and were single for quite a while. He has had numerous relationships since which he tells me of. I am often saying 'You can't do that' when I think he is being horrid !!!! It is highly amusing !


    We sorted all our own finances including the house (owned) and cars. We saw solicitors just to draw up a document to state we had no father financial call on each other. Me, the odd relationship, but being single has worked very well for me more likely related to my background I came from a very badly split up home.


    My parents break up was dire. My father left when I was 10 never to be seen again.!!!!!! My mother told me everything, leant on me, told me my father was awful in every possible way. I took over the running of the house. Mental cruelty it is called today.! She often told us when not good, the reason we were with her, was because our father did not want us. Great, no one wanted us.

    Needless to say this was very damaging. We lost all my Fathers family in this too. My brother thinks to this day I brought him up. He is 5 years younger than me. All this being in the late 70's. No one I knew had divorced parents. There were no single parents !!!


    I would strongly recommend Counselling. It can take an age with the NHS, so consider Marriage Guidance. It is there to assist break ups too and requires donations rather than a fixed fee.


    My Mother is now on her 4th marriage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 years ago I broke relations with her. She is poison.

    So yes, some women are bad but, I have never got over or understood how my father could leave his children.



    .At 12 years old, I knew I would not have children, afraid would be like my Mother and never ever wanting to put a child through this.

    If only someone had considered us, they need counselling too !


    Whilst I realise it is a step child being discussed here and you do need to walk away from your partner. Please at least consider writing a nice letter to the child offering the opportunity to call /write to you for happy chats and catch ups. The child will at least feel supported. He does not need quizzing over his Mother's movements mind !!


    You may not be able to do this now, I know you have to think of you first but in 3 months maybe when everything has settled a little. It breaks my heart what happens to children in break ups and they are so often disregarded.


    Keep strong and remember time goes a long way to healing and making you stronger in the long run.

    I wish you good luck and a peaceful mind.


    • Like 3
  6. Evening all.


    We would love to meet up with some of the Scottish Forum folk.

    It would be great if you joined us whether for dinner, an afternoon drive out or a overnight trip


    I have planned our Tour of Scotland for June and have 2 rooms (twins/ doubles) available.


    We depart the South of the England on Friday morning 19th June with the trip including the majority of the North Coast 500 returning

    south on Sat 24th June. We have some good driving and time to visit castles or such likes.....


    Currently we are 5 cars and all 350z Forum members. Not all cars will be 350's, some sold them !!!

    Most of us 8 people are based in the Midlands area.


    If you would like to meet us and share dinner, an drive out or a overnight trip, just let me know your location.

    We are at times nearby/ish to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Aberdeen, Ullapool.

    If you would like accommodation, please say.

    PM if you prefer.


    Hope to meet up with some of you soon.



  7. Sometimes you can go onto one of the major Tyre Specialist websites and find tyres cheaper than the local branch. Like £100 to £150 cheaper

    Pay for them on line and deliver FOC to your local branch.


    Has Worked previously with ATS anyway.


    Black Circle otherwise in my experience.

  8. If it helps any - Took my Doctor over 18months to convince me I was suffering from Depression some years back.


    I also come from a background where you 'Roll your sleeves up and get on with it'.

    'Everyone gets low etc, that's life.' Stop Feeling sorry for Yourself etc etc.

    I learnt not to talk to anyone when down, I do it to this day despite knowing better !!


    Not too convinced about Anti Depressants as a medication, but definitely in Counselling - even if it is just pointing you in the right direction of books to read and aid yourself.


    For years I kept a book on any achievements - small things I had done making me feel good.

    As simple as Swept all the leaves from the Willow Tree in Autumn - nice neat garden now.

    It meant I could read it back when feeling low and assist motivating myself forward.


    Please look at the Positive and not negative of life - it only continues to hold you down looking at the negative.

    • Like 3
  9. Hey no worries. I was a member for around 4 years and it helped me masses.


    Just even going for 4 - 6 mile walks with others in an unknown area followed by a lunch if you want.


    Best is you can join in an event outside your local area too.

    There are weekends away, ski trips - you name it basically.


    The Birmingham group is highly active - not sure where your location is.

  10. I would just add, all this happens to women as well who do not have children.


    I am genuinely surprised in life how many friends come and go. If it was not for my Ex Hubby stating this happens lots in his experience of himself and others, I would have thought it was me !!


    Don't know if you have heard of a Nationwide Group called Spice.

    It is around £12 per month and has masses of activities to attend every week joining other like minded people who still want to live life but do not always have the friends around.


    Check it out, nothing to loose by looking ........

  11. I so am buying a Porsche as my next car and thinking too either the Cayman or 996.

    Driven both and got to have one. So far no regrets really in my life and don't intend not having a Porsche at some stage to be my first !!


    Interesting reading this thread - sounds like I will be having to take some advise at the time too as I would not like to losing an arm and leg in finances.


    I love the 996 exterior, but do think the interior quite dire.............although the Investment might further my interest on this.!! ;):lol:


    Just got to sell my house first - downsizing, releasing funds - then finally Porsche time - been waiting so many years for my Porsche ownership.

    Only as I have gotten older do I finally appreciate why it is nearly always the older ones who own/drive the really good cars. :lol:

  12. I am usually in the same boat, as I have next to no family.


    I either go away - Finland this year. Snow Mobiles, Husky Dog Sledging over 2 days, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoeing etc etc

    There are loads of companies who offer small group trips, say 12 - 16 people. Exodus, Explore, Mark Warner etc etc etc


    Or, I do a Waifs and Straifs Christmas at mine where I invite all folks who I know in a similar situation.

    Everyone turns up Xmas Eve, I prep Stocking fillers and all meals - and we usually have a ball.


    Volunteering is also a good thing to do - make you feel part of a family.

    You may already be too late for this though. Many people offers themselves for this really early.


    Hope you sort something.

    • Like 1
  13. Andy - sorry you missed the cake.!


    Well apple and blackberry cake and blackberry crisp to be precise.😊


    Probably a regular meet treat now. The idea coming from the Scotland tour earlier in the year. On the whole tour we had Cake daily brought with us for the trip.

    Breakfast, Cake. More cake. Then dinner. Worked superbly.ðŸ˜


  14. Andy - sorry you missed the cake.!


    Well apple and blackberry cake and blackberry crisp to be precise.😊


    Probably a regular meet treat now. The idea coming from the Scotland tour earlier in the year. On the whole tour we had Cake daily brought with us for the trip.

    Breakfast, Cake. More cake. Then dinner. Worked superbly.ðŸ˜


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