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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. I agree with the kind hearted tradesman. It is quite amazing how many local self employed people are like this.


    They are always fully booked, never have advertised and go out of their way to help in a crisis


    Does help that they usually drawl over my cars. :D

    Have been known to take the odd one for a burn !!!! :lol:

  2. Thanks for the replies.


    No idea what make the Timer/Controller is and can't check until back home tomorrow evening.

    Hadn't thought about battery back up for when the power is off to operate the Controller. Makes sense.

    Also these batteries have been in for over 14 yeas and there certainly have been many power cuts in that time.


    Not noticed a Flashing battery indicator.


    I do find it frustrating when the electric power goes off that the Oil powered central heating does not work, as it needs electric to fire it up. ?? !!!

    Shame there is not a battery override for this feature too.

  3. So, my Central Heating cut out Wednesday evening. It had been on when I arrived home and got chilly through the evening.

    I checked the radiators, cold, so went to the Controls, no lights on showing the heating was on, so I switched it all off.


    The Boiler was serviced 9 days previously and I knew I was low on Oil, but thought I had enough for another month as indicated by my Watchman.


    It was pitch black, cold and the boiler is situated in the garage. .

    I had the Log burner going, so stocked it up, no worries, I could check everything in the morning in daylight.


    In the morning - I checked the Tank, plenty of oil. Didn't even go to see the Boiler - what was I going to do - kick it ? !!!

    So I rang the Engineers - same company I have used to service the boiler annually for the last 14 years.


    They came out this morning, sadly I had to leave keys with neighbours, as I am in London today.

    They rang me, to say, no problems, the clock had reset itself to zero ?????


    How ?

    Yes the electric was off for hours on Wednesday, the Electric Board were doing some mains work.

    But in this village we regularly are without electric, like at least monthly it will go off, sometimes for seconds, minutes, even the odd hour but this has not happened previously. He reckons there is probably a battery in the controls, although I may need a new controller if not.


    These are both minor things that I can resolve if needed, it is now working as he reset the clocks.

    Yes, I feel like a fool for not checking this element, but then why would I with my previous experiences.

    Annoyingly not the usual chap who comes out, but then as they were only at my house for 15 minutes - they are not charging me - How Kind is that !


    Anyways - Can anyone explain better what has happened here as I really am not understanding.

    Thank you

  4. I was not supposed to work - seriously the school I attended was to Bring up Young Ladies, who married where the necessities where to be able to host the Dinner Parties that my future Husband required for his Business associates.

    Yes, I did all the walking with books on your head to make sure you asked tall etc. I have a trail of elocution certificates.!!!!!!

    Most of my peers followed this course.

    I was working from the age of 12, in restaurants at 16 and pubs from 18 much to my headmistresses horror.!!!! :lol:

    My school projects were often car related and I ended up marrying a mechanic !!!!


    To be fair to my schooling, did however, give me the confidence and teach me the ability to knock on doors and walk into the unknown, no matter how scary.

    Somehow I have done ok despite working all my life and mostly on my own (Hubby did not last long !!! : :lol: )

    I am just chuffed with myself, did not think I would ever get to the stage of being able to own 2 cars, let alone travel to some amazing places.


    I do not have regrets, but do feel, I could have had a more challenging career and something significantly more interesting than accounts.


    Next time around - I am coming back to Race Rally cars................ :teeth:

    • Like 4
  5. I loved the Interceptor, brilliant engine/exhaust sounds from that car if I recall correctly.


    There used to be a Jensen garage in these parts years ago, so you would ish often see one on the roads.


    Was only talking about Jensens at the weekend when at the Race Retro Show in Kenilworth.

    Some brilliant Group B rally cars on show and having a blast !!! :teeth:

  6. And bringing this thread back to Topic.............................


    Looking forward to the Welsh Trip and a weekend Trip to The Ring, then deciding where to take my main holiday - so many Countries to explore.


    Hoping someone is organising a Europe Trip this year - need a decent Car Trip this year ..... to look forward to..........


    Anyone ?????

  7. i would say while its wet, dreary and generally miserable, apathy is the general mood especially for a Soft Top.


    So generally people are sat at home, some dreaming about what they would like to own and some looking at what they will be purchasing when the weather improves.


    Re price, I will leave that to others more in the know.


    Good Luck though.

    • Like 1
  8. A population of 469 in my village. I had often wondered, nice to know. Good thread idea.


    A pub that is sometimes open !!!! Latter days of the week and I don't think lunchtimes even then !!!


    A small shop in the Campsite on the outskirts of the village, which has next to nothing in it, apart from a good range of sweets for the kids as they get off their school bus there to walk home in the village.


    I love it here though, so quiet and great views and a fairly decent driveway - essential stuff !! :lol:

  9. Even with trusted garages, I clock my mileage before my car goes in.

    Guess taking a photo is better still and at least proof rather than the spoken word..


    Shame we have to think like this.

    There is so much disrespect in the world today, seems like you have to spend so much of your life covering your back side for the just incase scenerio's !!

    • Like 2
  10. That does sound like a fab trip, too many miles each day without a decent rest for me sadly - even with a heavier right foot. :lol:


    Sadly my back just says Noooooooooooooooo !!!

    It is annoying when you plan your trips around your body, but then it could be much worse.


    I agree, Florence is stunning.


    Duccati factory sounds interesting.

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