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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. I am presuming you are new to being Self Employed and Charging out your rates etc. Therefore I would suggest you decided what rate you wish to charge for all your work irrelevant of who they are or what they are currently being charged. Business People talk, so it is not a good idea to charge different rates unless you have a good reason for doing so. Just my opinion..
  2. I love fireworks, bonfires and the winter BBQ too . I do not own dogs but actually find this irrelevant, (not being rude to the dog owners) as I do not actually see why we need fireworks more than on the 5th November or a few days either side. I am sure years back this was how it was and pet owners prepared in whatever way they could - knowing it was for a very limited time. If we try an accomodate everybody on everything, we would have fireworks any day or night throughout the year - which is what happens in many of the Southern European and Latin American Countries...........Maybe we should think ourselves lucky. Serioulsy - What about Hypnosis for Dogs for Fireworks ? There must be something to help calm dear Pooch.
  3. I have done this too - most embarrassingly. Usual sort of thing for the foolish things too - midnight - on a tiny country lane that I had to turn around on. Pitch black as you would expect at this time ! and I reversed back just a few inches too far, dropping onto the wet grass verge. I stopped got out and checked and really thought I had been lucky and would get out of this if I was careful. No, I was shocked, as I so carefully did not put on masses of power, but seriously no grip. At this time I really did not know where the Traction Control switch was and no looking for it in the heat of the moment located it either. The male friend who I was with - gingerly asked if he might try - knowing I would not take kindly to this, nor would I even be impressed if he got it out. I know, I know !!! So a very mixed up emotion when he did not succeed either. One I was still in this dilemma, Two - Yes !!! He did not manage it either. Fortunately I did have some of the canvass style shopping bags in the boot, (knowing I had to get some grip from something - ( due to a similar experience in the Bordeaux Forest - which is very sandy in a 36ft, 6 Ton double axle American Motorhome some 20 years earlier - another story) so we dug these under the rear wheels as much as was possible - and I eventually got some grip and naturally a muddy, grass covered car and amusing tale to tell Despite now being very late when I got home, I immediately read up on the location of the Traction Control. It certainly makes you feel better to know others have had sinilar antics in their cars too - and also manage to resolve the issues without too much pain !!
  4. Good to know you lot are really supportive to a friend in need !!!
  5. I am sure you can obtain these easily now too.
  6. And - me thinks you are a brave man announcing that on here - bound to be taken up on this !! :-)
  7. I have been loads of times, my favorite show..... although I did the Revival for the first time this year - Wow !! I like to have 2 days then you don't feel like you are missing loads of it, besides the show is huge now and cannot be done in a day. I think some of the Static stuff is Interesting - especially if you have never been before. I would aim for Friday and Saturday but not Sunday. I then have always stayed locally Thursday night, and aim to be at the Gates for 8am, no queues at this time, but still many people around and a steady flow of traffic. Annoyingly I only looked for Hotels about a week back and like you have not had to be too choosy, I was after 4 rooms mind and not actually sure if i will be attending, but also can cancel these. Just incase anyone is looking for Hotels for the Revival in 2015, I could not find multiple rooms in any Hotel within 30 miles of Goodwood.
  8. Welcome. Now that looks like a good trip - across the Alps and everything ? !!!! Snow Drifting, Ice Driving - if only !!
  9. My username is my name - Wow - revalation there !!!. Personally I find it a pain - you get to know someone's username - then rarely their real name, or if you do you don't connect the two. Or is that just me ? Anyway I find one name hard enough to remember so I just like to keep it simple. I have masses of different passwords - if that makes up for it !! None of which I remember though !!! :-)
  10. I am glad you and everyone is OK and nothing apart from your back door was broken or stolen. An amusing tale - to lighten things up.............. I was broken into - I was about 19 at the time, living in a flat in a Victorian House of 5 flats. They stole goods from all the other flats - and nothing from mine !! Even the Coppers laughed - I was so broke - I really had nothing worth stealing. It was a wonder they did not leave me something !!! :-) Never lived it down to this day..... :lol: Seriously - The majority of the time when I leave either of my cars, I have a crook lock on them- which also rather helps when not at home. I know they can also get through these easily - its just that extra 30 seconds though - that do act to deter them. Then I also live next door to an Ex Copper - who is out the door at a mumour of anything. One time I came home after a holiday - (unknown to him - I was back), he was out his door into my drive in a flash as I started the car up.
  11. Congratulations. I am more than aware how big a job/task this is. I am sure your work will be much appreciated and supported.
  12. Everyman Racing do loads of this, at a variety of circuits and a good range of vehicles. Price varys on how many laps you want and which cars. Done quite a few with them and would happily recommend them
  13. I kerbed my offside front the other day, just trying to avoid this landrover taking a corner too wide and forcing me too far over to the left. Its when you hear the scrapping sound that makes you gringe to the bottom of your stomach. I know in the scheme of things it really is relatively minor and of small cost - but it really does not help at the time. I too have had to learn I really cannot let these things upset me so much that I beat myself up about them for weeks. I actually thinks it certainly helps mind with a bit of more spare income and second car though. Good Luck in getting this repair done quickly and cheapily. None the less something else to sort out !!! Hardly a wonder life whizzes by so fast.............
  14. Much rather Nico in pole than Hamilton. At least Nico has a personality and does not whinge, moan and blame everything but himself all the time. Not a Hamilton fan - think it might show !!!!
  15. It won't be there in 3 weeks. The dismantling starts on the 11th November, Remembrance Sunday - although amny people are hoping it stays longer. Roll Call is daily at 16.55pm
  16. A visit to The Tower of London if you can possibly make it is a must. I have visited twice, once last Thursday evening where I was there for the Roll Call of names - lasting some 25 minutes. There were easily 30 - 40, 000 people and you could have heard a pin drop. A dramatic sight, made even more moving knowing someone lost their lives for every poppy planted. They have all now been sold too, but there are the usual poppies for sale, plus some beautiful cermaic ones in all guises inside the Tower Shop.
  17. As long as the Ring stays open, I am not too concerned if he builds luxury properties around or adds more of a shopping complex. Personally I only go to go out on Track.
  18. Although no longer in this situation, when I was married we only had one pot which everything came from. Worked fine by us, we trusted each other and both had times without work and did not think twice about supporting each other. We were also fair financially on the split and infact are still friends - some 20 years later. I have friends who have seperate accounts and literally one can afford to go on holiday and does while the other who can't afford to go stays home. They even say in company, I would love to join you but my partner can't afford it !!!! What ? ! Odd to me, but then I have always been in similar salary earnings too.
  19. Wendy

    New to winter tyres

    Although the temperature drop is advised. Can be worth the extra tyre wear which is lost if putting them on in warmer temperatures as I would consider swappping sooner if ongoing rain is forecast though - much more grip.
  20. Yes, but what about all the employees and related industries that are effected by this too. ? This/These areas are full of industries related to F1 I hope they either get through this or are bought out.
  21. I have followed this thread since yesterday and am still astounded that we are not being given the detail of which Garage this is. If the owner of this car - Randy-Baton has made an error in his assumptions or not provided us with the full detail - then fine - just admitt it - we all make errors and hopefully learn along the way But to continue like this - is very unfair to other owners and quite possible the garage in question. If I was a mod on here - quite frankly I would lock this thread - it is doing nothing - but winding people up - who on the whole actually only want to assist another member and ensure they too do not get ripped off in the future.
  22. My Builder/Carpenters and the like - offer to do a quote. They explain they will take into account everything on the job going wrong - so in effect 'cover themselves. I have an option to pay this price irrelevant of how long the job takes of which they only estimate. Or, I can take the risk and go for their Day Rate. The Day Rate - would include working an 8am to 4.30 day approx, and collecting stock etc within this time frame. They usually stop for a 30 minutes lunch break. Being in a house that has only me as the 3rd owner in 48 years and knowing it has not been previoulsy botched. I go for the Day Rate. One of my Clients (I do his Accounts),is an Electrician - He Quotes - then reguarly if the job came in at less time, half a day or more - he reguarly reduces the labour element of the job. Although this works for him - personally I totally disagree both on a professional front - of being my client, but to me - A Quote is a Quote - otherwise it is an Estimate - which can change. The latter often needs explaining to Clients. My business, I charge by the hour, and if I have done 2 and 1/4 hours work I charge for that exactly. I do not charge out my Lunch Time, but I do charge my travel time from home plus mileage. I am completely upfront about all my charging. When questioned about the home travel to work and mileage - I politely explain - I would be staying at home otherwise and not having the expense myself. Usually if my price is queried, I will not take on the client - you can almost guarantee there will be problems further down the road. While mentioning all this and hopefully assisting. I also explain in detail My Credit Terms - which are 7 days from receipt of invoice and advise I will be chasing these if not paid - which I do at 15 days. I advise I will not be working next month for them without the previous month paid. All this may sound harsh to some. But in my book, business is business - if you want a professional............and all that......... I am also fully booked. I do appreciate differing trades have to operate in differing ways, but..........hopefully there might be something in all that to consider going forward ? Good Luck.
  23. I too am self employed. Although I agree with you, sounds like this customer will not, no matter what way you present this to him. So if I may suggest on this occasion you accept this and reduce your rate accordingly for the days so you get paid rather than holding out and not getting paid. Then put to down to lesson learned.
  24. Winkj - No. White though with black roof. Not my favourite colour option !!! -)
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