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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. 95 at 104.9 here in Banbury. Was 106.9 yesterday Super at 111.9 yesterday - only half filled the tank due to the prices keeping dropping
  2. Really liking that Thought of taking up a side line to your day job ? Sure you would be able to sell them - on here especially
  3. The other day I saw a bed for your car. It was an inflatable mattress that fitted into the rear footwell and over the rear seats. Not so good for the 350, but I thought it was brilliant - I was always saying I will just sleep in the car - now just trying to remember all those folk who thought me mad years ago for wanting to spend so much an fancy cars rather than more practical stuff like houses and a roof over my head !! Re the garage and insurance.I do not think all Insurers charge more for a car being garaged. I am with Brentacre and they certainly didn't - although I am going to check come renewal time to be sure this has not altered.
  4. Brillomaster - Washer Dryers are not that cheap. Plus better spending £400 for a German Make - Bosch, Siemens- still would not purchase the Warranty though Two Bears - If you have the room, next time consider buying these separately, life expectancy is much longer. I also would cancel your Warranty Insurance after you have resolved this repair. Incase you were not informed when you purchased the item, anything over 3 years life expectancy is considered good on a washer/dryer. Many however will last 5 years - make dependant.
  5. There are plenty such people to do these repairs. A Call Out fee plus the VAT will be more than £50.00,plus whatever spares are required and possibly a return visit - all chargeable. So in this situation, I would use your Insurance. For future reference, I would always put the money aside for white goods rather than take a Warranty Cover.
  6. Central Heating oil is down, hence everyone living in villages as me with no gas are very happy.
  7. I have just arrived back from Cuba and after 2.5 weeks of the blackest smoke and most awful exhaust fumes from just about everything on the road, even I would not find this funny right now. You just do not realise how clean the air is here. !!
  8. Brilliant - I have tears down down my face !!
  9. I have enough trouble trying to keep up with current threads, let alone all those I missed !!! Have read the Redline one mind - that is really amusing. Would have liked to have read the final post that was deleted mind !!!
  10. I have to ask and feeling somewhat naive and probably going to get a slating..................... Twobears - What other Forum is being talked about ?
  11. It's the British Culture Always been the same.
  12. All day long, I would prefer a better powered/handling car that did not look so flash. Most of my cars to date are dark colours so they do not stand out. Just the 350 in the Azure - not quite so discreet !!
  13. Fantastic car, style and power It's on my Christmas List !!
  14. I managed to pack up smoking 3 years ago. I went cold turkey knowing that was the only way for me. Going to Cuba soon and so want to have a cigar or two when there. Just a tad concerned I might pick up that nicotine fix again !! Probably going to have to give it a miss, such a shame I can't be one of those awful people who manage to have one cigarette a month or so - If only !!!
  15. OMG - Reading some of these make you realise just how lucky you really are. A good thread for putting your own problems into prospective. I have several- one being - The Car Accident I was in 2003. A Passenger in a Caterham, that left the road and somersaulted several times, leaving me with Concussion and a brain injury – which affected my eyesight and resulted in not being able to drive for 5 months. Cars and driving have pretty much been a major part of my life. I was terrified I would lose my love for both. I could not see straight and although an operation was available – not for 12 months – as they had to wait to see what correction would happen naturally. The nerves to my eyes had been stretched due to constant knocking of my head on the roll bar. Then this was not even to each eye. Thank goodness for friends, who on the whole actually took the Pi55 masses due to the stance I had. Very crooked head tilted angles – as it was the only way I could see evenly. I have always been known as one to laugh and retaliate. They knew if I did not respond in this way then I really was sinking. I was Self Employed and live alone so during this time life was hard. Somehow, after 3 weeks I managed to do about 2 hours work a day, getting taxi’s to and from my clients thereby not making a bean, but most importantly I managed to keep all my clients. It took over a year to get back to full time work as a side effect of this type of injury is huge tiredness. Bizzarely – no whiplash !!!! Very luckily for me there were no other brain injury items either, although I had masses of tests, I had a brain scan – they found a brain – huge relief and the eyesight gradually improved month on month, during this time I wore a prism in one of my lenses which increased the ability to see more evenly. Kerbs, doorways, stairs were all a problem and I regularly fell, tripped or bumped into things and had some pretty nasty bruising at times. I think one of the worst things was though – I looked fine, so no one could tell. I have much greater understanding now of what this must be like especially for the deaf and poorly sighted. No outward signs show this. I am very lucky as 95% of my eyesight has returned to normal and now I have one eye that compensates for the other. The only time I am at all aware of it, is if I am very tired. Fortunately due to a good friend who took me as a passenger out on track as soon as I was driving again to assist rebuilding my confidence, the result was achieved and I probably love cars, motorsport and driving even more than before.
  16. Umm !! Intriguing !!! I have my ideas of what this could be, but will patiently wait to see ............
  17. Did you go for the Cayman ? If so, which one ? I love them, Test driven the 2.7 - still more money than I want to spend though,as I would want the 3.2!!
  18. Well done to you Benjy. Always like to think all people would do the same, sadly not so true. Fodder - nice to see some others observe all around them while out on the road. I am amazed at how few do, but then I would have everyone take their Advanced Driving Test and teach them.
  19. Makes complete sense to me to wash the car in the rain. Good entertainment for the neighbours and something for them to jibe you about. Best though- due to the rain, everyone else is inside. The peace the quiet, lack of movement. Lovelly. Just need a Car Port designed like a Pergola - to dry and polish her in. Conservation area. Guess I just need to get round to enquiring. Gardening in light rain is good too - Yep Mad !!!!
  20. Brillomaster - What do you mean ? !!!! The boys don't sit at the Banbury Cross anymore. Now they are all at Tesco's - really funny if I turn up for shopping in the Z
  21. Foolishly I read this thread !!!!! And now, I am thinking of what Kit extra's ? !!! Some of those look really nice, I agree with Pritchard on that Spoiler. Tres Bon !! So ..........question - Do kits added to the 350's add value to the cars ?
  22. Reg Plates - I used to spend hours looking for a decent plate. All the ones I really liked were well out of my pocket. But the one I found that made me laugh was WAM 69. My initials used to be W.A.M note used to be !!!! ! Obviously I did not purchase it - well it was £5000 and like I was really going to put that on my car !!! :blush: Look forward to seeing what you end up with Ian
  23. Surely we just need to stay out of The Black Country ? !!!
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