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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Wendy

    OEM Cats

    There is a Pet Thread !!!! :lol: Sorry - that is really not helpful is it !!!
  2. Donnington is good fun. Craner Curves - love them ! Sadly I am away otherwise I would have joined you. I too have heard excellent reports of Angelsey but not been. Sadly a bit of a trek from me too. You are in for a great day Andrew !
  3. I am also with World Rally Championship. For cars I think the skills here are the best there are. Bikes - Moto GP I have seen the 24 hour 2CV in the flesh. Brilliant fun !
  4. Agree, doubt you could actually do that in 4 - 5 days. If would you prefer to visit areas of interest - these can easily eat up several hours a day (3 hours plus). This in mind, I would aim for 4 hours driving a day maximum. If you aim to drive 7 hour days ish - with 2 or 3 shortish stops plus lunch and fuel breaks, - in my experience you will not be arriving at your accomodation till 7 - 8pm after departing at 10am and little sightseeing,. For your first trip could I suggest perhaps ;- Loire Valley in France. Stunning Chateau's, many Vineyards - there will be a host of other things in the area. Photographers paradise too. St Malo is scenic with beautiful beaches. I like La Rochelle on the middle of West Coast. Just realised I have almost sorted a route almost there with slight re-arranging ) so to finish drive around part of the Le Mans Circuit !! Obvioulsy with the use of google itg is easy to check what touristy activities are available. Good Luck, it will be great.
  5. Tuesday night - yes !! Guess that is not really what you are meaning though !! Good Luck hope it all goes well. I have rented a room in my house for years, only stopping about 2 years ago. On the whole worked well, but completly different to renting a house obviously
  6. No harm what so ever in using a gym for excercise, its the competitive side of the gym people get into - as Jetset also indicates. Although I don't get my act together, I would rather go swimming, cycling, walking etc reguarly, favouring a variety. Track Time 20 minutes on/off spot on !!! Works superbly, as would racing !!!!!! Now that would be worth getting fitter for actually ! As would for more Track Time - which I am being drawn more towards than I have for the last 3 - 4 years............ I do Pilates weekly and stretching excercise most days - which I know is nothing like enough !! 'They' can't make up their minds if the housework, car washing, gardening is excercise or not, plus, I struggle with the the motivation, mostly having friends who are either super fit or I would be dragging along. But, yes I too need to address this sooner than later. Now where is the wine, need a glass infront of the telly ??
  7. Guys - seriously - a bit of tone is good, ripped is not - well IMO anyway. (YUK !!!! ) I have an ex husband who still does 5 days of 2 hour sessions a week, masses of serious and dangerous dieting and dehydration (IMO again!) before competitions. To be fair he does and is still winning or in the top 4 for the UK. I do admire the effort though. Makes me laugh however, if I have injured myself, how he can tense up certain areas and show me the muscle effected by certain movements or strains. (Behave now - think clean thoughts !!! ) The constant viewing oneself in a mirror and vanity though is horrendous, let alone turning up at mine in a singlet when he visits Urgh-revolting !! And - he thinks I am fat - a mere untoned size 10/12 !! As for me;- I did do masses of Water Skiing - until the injuries got too bad - sadly too competitive for my own good. I also did assist running a Scout Group - until it got too political - only very recently given this up. I used to love designing Gardens, just not done any for a while. I downhill ski most years preferring the Scandinavian Countries. Love to travel - to places less travelled mostly. Attending/Watching most Motorsport inc Dragster (Car, & Bike) Love Driving with a huge passion - joining in Car Trips UK & Abroad, doing Track Days. Walks in the Countryside with friends. There are few things I dislike - well the Gym and Bowling (I just don't get it ) mainly !!! Thinking Flying has got to be one of the next adventures to try out.
  8. Agree with all above. Why not try to sell the Winter tyres later in the year. Win Win all round
  9. Know the feeling. On another car forum where the same was happening, we could get 5 folk only to regularly join in which would have been ok but for all the comments of others about no meets. Now, I organise a once 6 weekly approx. weekday evening meet with dinner for the 5 regular folk. Seems a shame but happens. All you can hope is more new members in the area will join in.
  10. Glad you are both OK. I can't imagine how you are all feeling right now. Despite it only being a car which can be repaired and/or replaced - its devasting none the less. I understand that numbness feeling. !!! It's not good. Hope it all gets sorted smoothly and quickly for you.
  11. Not even a definite trackday - just a potential one !!! OMG !!! She must love you !!!!! Or - be expecting to have you under the thumb once that wedding ring is on !!!!! :lol:
  12. Bump !! Just don't want anyone to miss this that might be able to attend, as it does look good.
  13. Oh wow !! Glad to see you have your priorities in order the week before your wedding !!!! :lol:
  14. I am not going either this year, although it is my all time fav event. I also went to the Revival Meeting for the first time last year - wow - what a fabulous show. Talk about sensory overload on every level. If anyone is going for the first time - my only recommendation would be - 'Do dress up' and get there mega early. I could go on bu you really need to experience this first hand and not have it spoilt. N4eay - I presume you were there the years they ran the Renault Espace with the Benetton (I think) Formula One engine up the hill - Pure brillance !! Anyone been to Chris Evans Car Fest I think it is ? How does it compare ?
  15. If i can make it, i will be with the Jap crowd as my German number will be in the body shop having a new coat sprayed on !!! Talking of weddings - yours ? Is that this year or next ?
  16. Matt - How many weddings are you attending this year ?? Sure you have one to attend on the 1st as well Going to be an expensive year for you !! I can't commit to taking over/helping on this one at the moment, will let you know if anything changes.
  17. Move out of Glasgow ?? !!! North Oxfordshire is good for Insurances Sorry can't be more helpful !!! Good Luck
  18. Saw this in FB, loving that Golf !!!
  19. Sadly in life we all sometimes get caught, agreeing to something to regret it later. Bad enough your wheels being damaged, but the brakes - that is not excusable and frankly very dangerous. Don't be fobbed off with your wheels. though either. Personally I would also never use an main dealer either, people who call cars old dogs once a vehicle reaches 3 years old is not going to show due care and attention to my car. I know you did not use a main dealer. I have just had my rear pads and discs replaced - and they are spot on. I do however wish Zedshed was closer !!!
  20. Brilliant !! I hope you told her - the table on the back of the car - was for the mid way picnic !!!
  21. Does not sound too good, although I do not personally have experience of a window problem to be able to advise further. Do your folks by chance have camera's on the house you can face to view your car. As another precaution you could buy a crock lock. I know they are easily broken but work well as another deterrent.
  22. Ogman hi, Yes, I believe it is, as I had to confirm I could get in with my Corrado which is only 19 years old, and attending with the others who are older !!! I will keep an eye out for the Series 3 E Type - beautiful machines, so hope I see it. It looks to be a packed weekend of events, I am looking forward to it, but not the 8am meet up we are doing. !!
  23. Rob, Update i Heard - Some of the music has been cancelled. So I would just check the website before treking over to Coventry. I think all the car related items are enough to make it worth a visit !!
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