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Posts posted by RDON

  1. does anyone know where I can get a different kind of front bumper grill for my facelift bumper? I bought a zunsport and it does not fit no where near right! it has two long tab parts on the top of the grill instead of a straight top line which makes it 10-15mm to wide so it does not sit in the recess properly. so Zunsport you need to redesign that grill for the facelift as its S**T! and ways if anyone had an unwanted grill fit fits a facelift that is the dogs preverbs please let me know. thanks.

  2. well went to fit today but things went against me! other jobs took longer and then it gets dark to early grrrrrrrrrrrrr! does anyone know as you look from the front of the car if there is access through the fire wall on the left side near the drivers window wiper? I need to send a wiring loom through to the fuse box in the driver foot well the loom is not long enough going up the right behind the battery! also do I need 5amp or 15 amp scotch clamps to connect my wires into the head light wires? thanks in advance for any expertise.

  3. hi Chris , I finally got round to fitting all mine today, and I found the vanity ones a bit big the plastic does not quite pop in right where the bulbs are! but apart from that all the other were brill, well except not much free wiring behind the headlight unit and struggling to get the side light bulb out and then it coming off inside the light so I had to take the whole light out lol but I needed the bumper off anyway to start doing my reflector mod!

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  4. right folks I had this issue the two years ago. what you have to ask for is your actual accrued NCD they all have a different maximum and just send that out to you however if you can prove that you gave them 27 years then ask them for your actual accrued NCD which should state 28 years. if they cant do this ask them for proof of your original NCD confirmation that you sent them when accepting their policy your new provider then should take both sets into consideration like mine did being admiral. what I had to do was get my old insurer from 3 years ago to contact current provider to confirm what NCD I actually left with, and got it sorted from there. hope this helps ps my better half worked in insurance and she advised me on this when I was having the same problem.

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  5. thanks Chris for providing this information I would have been scratching my head otherwise! the mirror switch does not control the LEDS! the switch that came with these has a fuse adaptor which im supposed to place where the fuse for the mirrors go, which I have yet to identify? not sure if the 5amp fuse that's in will be adequate for both to be off! your advice and help will be invaluable though Chris so thanks again for that.

  6. DSC03391_zpsbb737add.jpg DSC03390_zps6d07e8bb.jpg right the first two photos are of the switch and fuse holder that is supposed to go into the fuse holder of the electric mirrors, but then I don't know where to mount the swtich. and then you can see the cables that have to go through the fire wall with connectors on that will connect up with the follow photos of the reflector LEDs and switch modules. DSC03392_zps54d1c4c5.jpg DSC03393_zps38dc8417.jpg DSC03397_zps16e5be99.jpg so what do you guys make of this does this help to explain to me how I should go about fitting these?
  7. HI Folks. I was wondering if someone has the expertise to help me out? I have just received my DRL's for the front bumper reflectors, but these have leds in them with a four way switch back module and a wiring loom with a switch and fuse attachment that needs to go into the fuse box and through the fire wall. has any one had to do similar and can advise or would someone be able to help me fit them. I would do the work dirty work but would be great if I had someone there to tell me what I needed to do? thanks for reading folks.

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