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Posts posted by valy

  1. so the poll stands at the moment at 61.76% to leave but almost none of the guys that voted to leave have presented real facts to incline the balance in their favour ...I dare to say ,anyone that tried to argue this has received some good replies.... which denotes the limited knowledge on this matter of some of the voters.... :shrug:

  2. It will take 10 years to actually exit and then bed down a completely new economic system operating with the EU, at least. This isn't something you can turn on and off every couple of years. The cost of simply (I say simply rather ironically) will run to billions in terms of just staffing and maintaining our new trade agreements across the EU - that would even vary massively depending on if we adopt a single trade approach or on a bi-lateral basis in which we would need to set up trade agreements with each trading partner.


    What happens to all the UK nationals outside of the UK once we exit? Its can't be BAU for them. Do we discriminate against an immigrant who is willing to do the sloppy jobs that UK people wont do vs an immigrant that is a doctor? One is higher paid than the other, but both are working and earning their way in life so why discriminate? (which is what I don't like about the reference to the Aus idea). If we want access to a free market i.e. the EU in terms of how we trade, we have to allow for the free movement of immigrants...


    What about the US? They align with us and support us in many ways, because we get them a voice at the EU table, what happens to that relationship when we become less important in that respect?


    Trade with the EU is worth something like £400bn per year, we pay around £10bn a year to be in it once you take into account the rebate - are we confident we will not incur trade taxation to the sum of £10bn because if it exceeds that you are already financially worse off?


    Greenland is an interesting example of the challenges of going it alone - its not a comparable one as theirs is a much simpler model, but that they exited to 'grab back control' of their fishing industry, but now want back in because they cannot negotiate competitive deals with China or the US without being within the EU.


    Probably sounds like I am a Stay, and I am veering towards that, there is something that makes me feel a little entrepreneurial and tempted by a Leave, but at the moment I dont think many people have really looked into this and what it means...that they are voting quite blind not realising what they are committing to.

    +1 ^^ few good points indeed


    I don't know why he's trying to be as big as possible at the cost of everything else.


    that is pretty much everything he is and does...his 5% brand is very popular and he just wants to boost that with a crazy physique and anything else he does


    using some of his supplements and they're quite good :thumbs:


    as to Dave Crossland I only just watched his movie trailer but he is just big....not much shape :blink:

  4. any of you following Rich Piana's clips on youtube for 30 pounds gains? some good tips there.... but I suspect most want just to tone up :teeth:


    Yeah ive seen a few of them. His "cycle" though is pretty immense. He seems a marmite kinda character, but I occasionally watch some of this stuff. Have you seen "Under Construction" with Dave Crosland, thats pretty interesting.

    not but I'll have a look :thumbs:

  5. also i just searched that rich guy... surely you dont take advice from someone like that unless you're roided up to your eyeballs yourself? he dont even look good lol! way too many roids! CT fletcher is someone you wanna listen to lol

    he is one I usually watch but seen programs and tips from many...I also watch close Sadik Hadzovic and Ryan Terry but it annoys me as they don't give free tips ussualy....great physiques though...also put it this way-even if I want I will never be like Rich but I am picking up some tips form his vids and keeps me motivated...meet the guy twice and he is indeed massive...i am 32 now and should have started way younger to get to that stage ...bit like Bostin Lloydwatch his 1 year transformation on steroids

    I personally don't use steroids although I have thought about and been offered many times...got nothing against them but I don't have enough knowledge about them in order to do cycles and not really interested...

  6. Firstly, I'm with Admiral and they have never asked if I've been on the course or if I've been caught speeding. They have only asked if I have any convictions.


    Secondly, I'm really not sure 'who' knows you've been on the course as 'police' checks don't seem to reveal the information either.


    You can't lie about it! But if people don't ask and don't seem to be able to find the information then I don't see the harm in not mentioning it. Afterall, anyone CAN attend the course. You don't have to wait until your caught speeding.


    Have you called and spoken to them? I did a quote last year for Gill's Beemer and they (Admiral) specifically asked about speed awareness courses. It was the reason I didn't renew with them the following year. The quote went up by about £40 as well which was a tad annoying, although it's to be expected.


    Just because it doesn't ask on the comparison website (or directly on the insurers website), doesn't mean it isn't in their small print... probably worth checking. It's unlikely to ever come out unless you had a serious accident, but as other's have said, you would have breached your insurance policy and lied to get insurance... not something you want to declare in later years when trying to get insurance as they generally take a much harsher view on people who've committed fraud over someone who's been on a naughty buy/girl course! :)


  7. just been on a SA course in December and remember them mentioning Admiral are the only ones asking about it...probably around £100 for the next 3 to 5 years I remember them saying as a rough figure but it does depend on certain circumstances...

    best just to change the Insurance company if possible...I left Admiral after a year as there are better options out there...

  8. a small change for the better I would say :thumbs: but tell me what prep did that have as it looks you sprayed straight on top :blink:

    Flatted it back with 2000 grit paper just to remove any dirt or high spots. Its only plasti dip so it doesnt matter really :)

    though it was plasti dip

    good job

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