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  1. Thanks folks for the warm welcome- I love the Alezan orange, and was also tempted by a gunmetal grey with the Alezan leather and deep dish alloys on fleabay at the same time but was a bit out of my price range. I think mine was a steal ! Will definitely post some images after I give her a good going over - maybe tonight if I finish work at a decent hour. Cheers
  2. Hi all Thought I'd say hello - I picked up my new Zed recently and this forum was well browsed prior to purchase! She is a 2005 Azure blue GT roadster with 48000 miles on the clock, Alezan vented leather seats and in pretty decent nick other than some mild wear on the seats and gear knob (which I understand can be sorted by one of the blokes on here..) I have been stocking up on some decent shampoos and wax/clay to give her a good going over which will probably happen in the next day or two - and will then take some decent pics- here is the ebay link to the car as imaged by the seller - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271177686323?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Loving it so far- coming out of a Honda Prelude 2.2 so been taking it a bit easy, as been a few years since I drove a RWD. The power on tap, and the torque in the higher gears is amazing. Have driven upto birmingham and back, about 220miles round trip, and she was lovely on the motorway. Cruising yesterday with the top down in the sunshine was a joy too. Hope to meet some fellow Zed owners and learn a bit more about this car in the coming years. Cheers all
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