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Everything posted by iwanprice12

  1. Actually given as a reason for many a divorce within the UK!
  2. Not that I get much spare time but... -playing rugby (glad it's the end of the season now though!) - sometimes visit the gym (weights only!) - playing the ps4 - some DIY, mostly thing like fences, planters etc -swigging w few too many beers! -BBQ's (when we actually get the summer!) - don't mind a bit of football and tennis - watching all sorts of Motorsport on tv
  3. Looking to change my stock exhaust on a 56 plate (DE) for a Cobra resonated exhaust. Will consider just the Middle & Rear exhaust and stick with the OEM Y pipe. Looking for a relatively cheap exhaust. If no offers, will have to start saving for a brand spanker from one of the traders! I am in South West Wales so will require item to be posted unless it's pretty close to my location (don't mind travelling to South/Mid Wales) Thanks, Iwan
  4. Sorry, there seems to be two different groups on Facebook... There's the page connected to this forum but also another page that is named '350z & 370z parts, sales, wanted'.
  5. No, I realise that it has nothing to do with the forum, just recognised some of the names from the forum are members on the Facebook group.
  6. Recently joined the group on Facebook (above title). Recognise some names from the forum that are members. Anyone bought any parts or bits from here? Good/Bad experiences? Need a few bits in tbe coming months (when cash allows) so will be keeping an eye on there as well as on here. Iwan
  7. Been meaning to do this for ages...haven't got the patience! Ha!
  8. Haha sorry. Edited! Typeo in all honesty! Hmmm...my bad...seeming as I'm teacher.....:s
  9. Just realised Capel Isaac is near Llanfynydd, brother in law is from there! He probably knows the garage well! (He's a mechanic also)
  10. Thanks for the advice gents! Once I get some new rubber, will be on the look out. Bridgend isn't that far & used to driving to the sticks so either! í ½í¸‰
  11. Marquez was down for ages before it let go, really thought he was going to hold it!
  12. Great, thanks. Will pick some brains! I think a friend of a friend has the kit (does autograss etc) but was just wondering if anyone has had a good experience from a reputable garage.
  13. Cracking race once again! Marquez binned it again, Rossi doing enough and the Ducati's with a brave showing once again! Gutted for Crutchlow but good effort for Bradley Smith.
  14. Having recently had an MOT (car passed with only a couple of advisories), both front tyres seem to have worn on the inside shoulders. The tyres have only done approx 10k miles (Falken Z919) but now need replacing. I also have the same tyres on the rear (slightly newer so little less milage) but nowhere near the same wear. With the fronts wearing on the inside shoulders, would I be right in thinking the wheels need to be aligned? The tracking was done before by a local garage but wasn't too impressed (although service for tyres etc is great and always manages to match prices and a loyalty discount 😉) Therefore I'm faced with 2 dilemmas; 1) Fit another set of the Falken Z919 on the front? (Around 6mm left on rears) 2) is there anywhere in South West Wales that does 4 wheel alignment frona reasonable cost? (I live about 8 miles west from Llanelli) Thanks, Iwan
  15. Haven't seen that particular one. Have seen the Sierra Cossie one though...
  16. Cracking game fair play. Got it today, started career (Amateur). Bloody go karts are difficult with a controller!
  17. Over the last few days, when coming up to a junction (complete stop) or if trying to brake hard (to see if the problem persists) it seems as if the ABS is trying to kick in all the time. There is a sort of 'whirring' noise as if the ABS pump is trying to kick in. Having read some online, the most likely cause is the ABS sensor or ABS ring? Anyone have any experience of this and if it's a difficult job? Was going to tackle it myself but if it's a biggie...will have to ask a mate for a favour! Any advice welcome. Thanks
  18. Watched one with a Corvette the other week...expensive times! The guy who presents it used to be on a programme called Balls of Steel...
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