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Everything posted by iwanprice12

  1. So true. One of the great things I find with this type of vehicle racing as well is that unlike F1 & most open wheeled classes if the vehicles have a coming together they don't just fall apart. Love the door handle to door handle close racing. Best game on the Ps1....TOCA. Touring Cars...1 of the best racing games ever made! All the manufactures such as Peugeot, Nissan, Renault, Vauxhall, Ford, Honda...
  2. No I've been down this road with my son at Uni, he had to get his own license. I've been that son in uni with the words... "You don't pay it, you pay the fine! Never got done so.....í ½í¸‚í ½í¸‰
  3. BTCC is more exciting than F1...more action, overtaking,crashes, a more level playing field. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy F1 but the BTCC is the most entertaining watch. Looking forward to the weekend, BTCC and Easter eggs it is! í ½í¸›
  4. Totally the same. Only do around 4-500 miles a month & it is my daily as well.
  5. There is a nice one on ebay at the mo, carbon with engraved 350z logo on top. Can't get the link on here on the ipad, but search on ebay & sure it will come up. M-tech engineering i think the seller is.
  6. Bought the 'Nismo style' from Tarmac Sportz (Trader on here). £25 + delivery.
  7. Totally agree with the above comments. And even if the cars don't sell, heavy weight to weigh in for scrap.
  8. Thanks for the advice lads. Will stick to travelling to Tesco's from now on then! And use Unleaded (at a push!) if needed!
  9. Cheers for that! Did consider a s2000 as well!
  10. That was my thinking in all fairness.
  11. Done the very same thing over the past couple weeks! Need to get some pics up! Wrap or dipped? I've also changed the gear knob yesterday for a 'Nismo style' one.
  12. Local to me, every petrol station has deided to stop selling Super Unleaded and decided on selling "Super Diesel". The nearest petrol station that sells high octane is Tesco that's around 12miles away. Although this isn't a problem (if there's enough fuel in the tank), I was wondering if there are any recommendations for an additive to normal unleaded petrol? Obviously this wouldn't be a regular thing, just wanted some advice/opinions. Thanks
  13. Will have to find/watch those clips. My mother had the 3.2 Quattro TT, that was a nice dribe but nowhere near as good as the Zed. Considered an RX8 before buying the Zed, but as my brother in law is a Mazda trained mechanic, he advised against this also! Was down to the Zed or much more expensive (and hairdresser-y Boxter!).
  14. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy the Zed!
  15. Passed the above on the dual carriage way between Cross Hands and Carmarthen at about 12.30 pm today, crossing from the central reservation. Numberplate - V6 C** Sorry didn't wave was keeping an eye out as Inwas close to running out of juice!
  16. Think you are correct. I've read several different articles saying that the passenger seat has a pressure sensor (with regards to weight) as to if the airbag will go off or not. Not sure if this is true or not...
  17. I would love to...just havent got the funds this month...:-(
  18. Ha! Managed to get the knob off with some help from my neighbour! (Oohh eer!) Looks slightly second hand now! Bought a 'Nismo style' shifter from tarmac, doesn't seem to have a thread so stuck on installing that now!
  19. Hi, I've read and searched the various guides on here to remove the gear knob, but I'm having no luck whatsoever in removing it!!! I have followed the method of mole grips on the rubber gaiter (with a cloth/material between the grips and the gaiter) with water pump pliers on the gear knob itself (with a cloth/material inbetween). I have tried to remove the gear knob but it seems that the plastic is 'stretching' and the knob itself is splitting? Is there anyway of removing the gear knob in one piece, or am I resigned to breaking it upon removal? The interior is in bits at the mo with the gear knob and gear pattern facing anti clockwise! Any advice welcome. Thanks
  20. I need to get a couple of the 'ringed' poppers for the luggage net, a couple of mine seem to be broken/missing with the previous owner. Had a look on Ebay and they seem to be expensive, around £6 for 2!
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