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Everything posted by r37

  1. Question though, Flappy things (on the end) up or down?
  2. mine arrived too, and if you'd like a scale referance. Please see the spoiler on a 2 seater sofa. (it overhangs both ends) http://i202.photobuc...317_1739301.jpg EDIT: thats actually a sofabed. its chuffing massive.
  3. i have 265/35/18 on a 9.5 upfront. Handling was no different from stock but braking certainly got better.
  4. bit more complex than originally taught isnt it. My insurance does cover many mods, exhaust included. but as their not road legal and i'd be very likely to have a crash while on the road, im driving a car thats technically not road worthy/legal. Might be worth giving my insurers a call, though i'd guess they will say it invalidates it out of course.
  5. As above really, now my car has had its MOT im looking at fitting some un-silenced decats for more noise. My one questions is that as its in no way road legal would it invalidate my insurance if i had an accident? I remember reading a thread like this a while back but cant find it, can anyone help?
  6. r37

    Handbrake shoes.

    i checked mine today after 50k miles and there was still loads of material left, Their pretty easy to do so long as your calipers arnt like mine and pretty much siezed on. Most people wont change them at all as you only use them when standing still. They wear very very slowly.
  7. Ive never looked at miles when im buying a car. My girlfriend has a v reg 206 on 50k miles. Been used as a dog transporter, driven on dirt roads, carried heavy loads. Im amazed it still runs. Whereas the BMW Z3 i had was on 130k and was as tight as a drum. Good maintenance >>> Low miles.
  8. Fluid level is ok but the disks are on their way out and the pads are very very low. Fluid is probobly ruined too as the brakes faded very very quickly. Its fine on normal driving and i have complete replacments coming so i'll ignore it for now. Thanks chaps.
  9. excellent, does it double up for anything specific or just tell me that my brakes are shot?
  10. After a spirited driver i noticed my hand brake light was coming on under heavy braking. This only happened once my brakes had got red hot and had faded quite badly. I know my front pads are due for a change and the fluid is pretty worn out too but does the light double up as a warning light or have i just got a loose sensor on the hand brake lever? Only came on when slowing from 60 (ish) down to 2nd gear corners with full brake applied.
  11. if you go for the megan racing one i'll be the 4th person on the list.
  12. maybe they read the link to this thread and were somewhat offput I'd be interested in a wing too, some prices would be great
  13. as an avid fan of GT wings and hoping to get one soon i cant find one wide enough. The 350z is 1800MM wide so i'd like a spoiler atleast as wide. Not only for the downforce but also for looks. Only the driftworks one is wide enough but the legs dont look meaty enough. The voltex one would be perfect if its wasnt £2k. Hopefully tarmac comes through with the goods.
  14. nope, a car/company known for making quality automobiles. A rover 45 i inherited form my late uncle. Was a truly terrible car but it was my first, and i'd still say one of the best. Handled like a boat, steering was completely numb had no power and was rusting quite badly in places. But it did start every morning (with some gentle persuasion) and was somewhere i could go and smoke/entertain ladies. Which made it one of the best. Just because its fast doesnt mean its your favorite car.
  15. my first car had all mod cons, none of them worked. but they were still there. The central locking would pick 2 random doors to lock rather than all 4, the ABS worked depending on what sort of road you were driving on, the air con was just a blue light and made no difference to the temperature of the air, similar story with the heater. It was either cold, colder or nice and warm 500yds from your destination. The electrics worked most of the time and the windscreen leaked. Character building i say. Until youve set off for work at 5am on a snowy morning with no power steering, no heater, dicky electronics and a leaky windscreen you dont appreciate having a car
  16. I dont like drag racing, It doesnt give a true reflection of a car. You show a corner to your 350z with its oodles of torque and wide stance and it will vastly out perform most other cars. Lightweight turbo cars are usually quick off the line then lose in the corners because the manufacturer/owner wants it to feel fast when you take it for a test drive. There are exceptions ofcourse but as a general rule your 350 will beat most other cars over a distance.
  17. £4995 is a steal though, bet they'd take £4500 cash. Track project in the making
  18. stupid as it sounds, have you put your dipstick back in its tubed or managed to poke it down the side of the bay? I had a friend that did that once......i swear
  19. My clutch does chatter on idle sometimes, if its a slight noise it might be that. Or is it more exhaust your hearing?
  20. My clutch does chatter on idle sometimes, if its a slight noise it might be that. Or is it more exhaust your hearing?
  21. the plugs are £46 from zman/clarke, £300 an hour labour rate isnt too bad. Did they mention if they have any mechanics jobs open?
  22. i made 312 at the fly with a wasso plenum, HFC's, exhaust and a remap. didnt bother with induction and just have a HKS filter.
  23. the stands will be on a slight slope, i dont mind doing the front as i know the hand brake will be on. But im worried about leaving it down to a few bricks.
  24. I've never tried it but if you return something the rules say you can claim the tax charge back again. Provided its imported under IPR with the correct CPC code (i do this for a living) Everything has a set percentage, usually 5% 10% or 15% + VAT. Shipping charges should not be included in the duties + taxes as its not something you could "sell on". There are ways of avoiding the charges but you need a very understanding supplier and run the risk of bieng prosecuted. As mentioned royal mail charge £8 for handling this for you. Most other companies will charge either a £15 flat fee or a percentage of the duties payable (some charge 2.5%, so a $4000 supercharger kit might cost you around £80 + VAT + Import duty. to clear through. As others have said, You pay in sterling what it costs you in dollars as a rough guess
  25. ive only ever gotten road rage once and i did get out of the cat to confront the driver. Guy tailgated me at 85mph in the rain in the middle lane. Perfectly empty outside lane to use but he kept right on my tail. Some business guy in a suit in an audi a1. Cue the next roundabout and i get out. Assisted by the manliness that a cigarette and a buildbase t-shirt (complete with silicone/cement stains) gives i started walking towards his car and he went straight round the outside never to be seen again. Had the same thing happen a few days later on the same bit of road. Guy spent miles tailgating me then pulled out to overtake. He was so busy practicing his mime artistry he missed his junction, saw him swerve over 3 lanes of traffic and almost cause a huge accident. Oh well, only 7 miles to the next junction
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