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Everything posted by SJ350z

  1. That is so true ^^ Comedy is very person specific. well said StevoD This guy is also quite a laugh.. he has some better content but I cant find it
  2. Looks like a clean bike mate nice
  3. Wow you guys are boring. Its dry humour I find him jokes maybe you need to take life really laid back to connect to it. I prefer this kind of comedy than punch line and try hard comedy but each to their own. Was going to link a guy called Donald glover who had me in tears buut your a tough crowd. Don't mean to sound grumpy just had a long day and got a cold
  4. Each to their own. A lot of my friends do clutchless ups. Depends what bike you have I suppose. A lot of the main manufactures have different boxes. My gsxr was smoother than my R6 but I had a much bigger grin on the r6
  5. You don't do it unless you have a modified Box as far as im aware. Its very different if you're racing a motorbike. Clutchless upshifts are supposedly faster but I found them to feel slightly clunky and preferred using the clutch Again you can get a powershifter or whatever they are called installed and its smooth and instant.
  6. Not sure how many of you chaps and lasses have seen this so going to post it. Personally I find the guy hilarious Hope everyone had a good weekend Enjoy !
  7. Its completely pointless. I looked up double clutching due to the Fast and Furious film the other day and on mordern cars there is no benefit whatsoever ! Like the others have said it's just more wear and tear and potentially slower I would have thought
  8. Only goes as fast as your right hand twists the throttle I went from a 125cc to a supersport 600.. had numerous people tell me I was going to die or crash bad its too much etc etc and I'm still here
  9. Granny shifting not double clutching like you should... Yeah that's correct mate ^
  10. I don't wanna be a party pooper but that looks down the box to me for sure lol
  11. All im going to say is.. Southpark wasn't exaggerating :lol: Played on and off since release and agree that it is like crack cocaine lol. Played league of legends casually and tried to get competitive but computer games in general are too time consuming
  12. Hahaha ! Thought your picture was from injustice Gods among us and you were called Grundy so
  13. Holy shizz that pedal visually looks better suited to Heel-toeing. Thanks bullet for the guide Any traders on here sell them? Has anyone done a track day btw?
  14. Thanks for the comments chaps Where does one find this 380rs pedal.. ( god damn i love that car on gran tourismo 5 ) Definitely got to give this a go though. Like you said brill its an invaluabe skill and I want the driver mod
  15. Best of luck with the test mate Riding a bike is aweomse! I've been riding for around 3 years. Started on a little yamaha r125 yzf. and had the following since suzuki gsxr 600 05 model. Suzuki gsxr 600 07 model And currently Yamaha r6 yzf 06 model Really into supersport but appreciate all bikes And yes.. now that you have experienced a motorbike your Zed will always feel slow unfortunately ( unless you go F.I ) My bike does 0-Banned in silly speeds
  16. I'll have a look at these mate. Can you even buy them?
  17. Right in that case .. Garden it is! joking aside I might have a little go down a big industrial estate when its quiet ! gotta practice sometime
  18. Sounds like a very viable solution to be honest mate..you could atleast test it out Hope things don't get any worse mate and I cant express just how much Will is right when he says you both need each other ! Not easy raising a Kid in this day and age.. not that I would have a clue about it but I can only imagine. All the best mate #maxhomo #manyhugs #muchlove p.s did you call yourself after Soloman Grundy?
  19. What size are your feet? I've never tried in my Zed.. got me thinking mine might be now
  20. Has anyone tried to Heel-toe at all? And particularly in a 350z? I tried in some of my other cars and found it to be pretty challenging ! Can rev match on the downshift but that isn't rocket science. Just considering of slowly working my way into Track and Circuit Discussion welcome all !!
  21. You sound like twice the Son I am to be honest. She doesn't mean it when she calls you selfish mate trust me. Me and my mum have called each other terrible things but we are still friends. Things will get better she is just under a lot of stress and pressure by the sounds of things. Plenty of people on here that will support you mate
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