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Everything posted by SJ350z

  1. I have a Varta battery. Its the best battery available for its size for imported 350z's. Paid £53 roughly inc. VAT. Will check what size if you want. SJ
  2. Fuse for the horn- Will this be in the car fuse box ? If so where is said box? Under bonnet? Just asking to make sure as I haven't done any work as of yet to my Zed Thank you for posting that mate. Will take the cover off at the weekend and investigate. If I cant work out what's wrong with it and why it doesn't work I'll take as many photos as poss and post in the thread. Hopefully haven't damaged any of the cables/clips. Thanks
  3. If I take the stock wheel off and investigate and take pictures will I be able to gain a better idea? It must be fixable surely? I've been lucky overall not having to use the horn but about a month after it broke I was driving down the A3 in the far right lane and a car with Euro plates didn't indicate and came across and nearly took my front end out. Was not happy to say the least... Lol Humpy
  4. Nobody knows how to fix a horn ? lol
  5. Also I'm very curious about the Smart-Cam you're trying to get fitted and set up.. I had a gander on a website and there is a twin cam set for £300 roughly that i'll be picking up in the next month or so. How are you planning to run it off your battery? Does/will it drain the battery Cif parking mode is enabled? Send me a PM with details if it's easier
  6. Hey everyone, As the title suggests, Mr clever clogs over here managed to completely annihilate the horn on the Zed in the steering wheel. I've never taken a steering wheel off before and I have no idea how the components work inside. The horn section of the wheel now pushes in and the horn doesn't work. Any idea how I can get this fixed myself? Would it be a fuse ? A clip of some sort? I'll be fitting an aftermarket OMP wheel in the next couple of weeks so wanted to see if I could get the horn working at the same time. Any ideas? Cheers, SJ
  7. If I had the money for this I would have had it yesterday and it would have been on my car by now GLWS this will be snapped up in no time
  8. Thanks for the responses guys ! Shane - I wont be able to get mine done for a few months yet but nothing wrong with getting a couple of recommendations early Will definitely keep an eye open for the pictures of your work. I don't mind forking out a few squid if they do a top notch job. Nothing worse than having to go back to get it touched up or redone where they've bodged it. Think we can all agree on that one ! I'll be giving TGM a call when I've got the money. Reputation and good service means everything. My Zeds my baby :D Thanks for the info again guys appreciated I do love this forum
  9. Thanks for the reply mate. Did TGM do a really good job? My biggest worry is matching my paint. It being a sunset and all . Planning on doing it in stages perhaps so front bumper first, then the rear two nipples as I call them and the other little marks together.
  10. Just read part 1 and finished reading this thread... Feel very upset and angry mate. Gutted for ya and hope you get it fixed and have no more problems for the future ! ..Now where did I put my knife again.. lol
  11. Hi guys My front bumper is in some need of love as it has a crack in from speed bumps and covered in stone chips There are also some other minor scruffs on the car which have slowly starting to irritate me more and more. Looking at all the immaculate 350zs on here probably hasn't helped ha Does anyone know if it will be possible to get it repaired to a top a* standard? Check pictures below.. A rough price guideline for the work Will be great. I.e front bumper roughly £100 etc Any comments and advice is welcomed as always SJ
  12. What a pain in the A$$ ! Some people eh.. Hope you get it sorted buddy
  13. Lovely looking Zed you have there bud
  14. You sir , are a genius ! I took the pressure off the mechanism by pushing down and wallah ! Hey presto it worked I couldn't find my WD-40 so I used some multi-purpose oil that stops rust blah blah all that baloney and the mechanism works fine now ! Very happy so wanted to just say thank you mate Removed my Battery so will have her MOTed shortly. I'll take some pictures and make a progress thread in a couple of weeks. Cheers guys! Sj
  15. Haha that made me laugh mate I'll give it a go in the morning and hope and pray. I did give that catch a firm tug ( lol ) today so hoping i havn't damaged it or made my life harder. Thanks for the advice guys. I'd probably just get it trailered to the garage and get the whole lot done at the same time than spend my time on my bum fiddling around with cables I'll let you know if I have any joy ! Cheers Sj
  16. At the same time as pulling the latch press down then up? What side is the bonnet catch? Isit in the same one as the 2nd latch? Cheers for the reply mate
  17. Hi Guys, Got myself a bit of a problem. My bonnet catch has stopped working I believe. I pull it the cable moves with some resistance but nothing happens. I've also got a friend to lift lightly on the bonnet at the same time yet still nothing. This wouldn't be such a problem but the Car has a flat battery and needs an MOT ( just my luck eh -.- ) Any info and advice would be good. Im no car wizard unfortunately. Cheers, Sj
  18. Woke up this morning to find a weird ringing noise , sounded like a metal detector gone awol. Just found out its actually my 350z and ive tried to turn it off and its not having any of it. Doors wont open and the fob doesnt work either. Anyone know what this is and how to turn it off and get the car back to normal? Thanks
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