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  1. From 6pm tonight until midnight Sunday we are offering 10% off all the HKS products we have listed on or web shop Some pretty cool new parts available including the new 2 camera DMR recoding system and the OBD Bluetooth phone interface which can show live information, read codes and datalog. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for the discount code later today http://tdi-north.myshopify.com/collections/hks
  2. Will be adding a load of 350/370 parts up over next few weeks but important thing for u was to get the formatting right and commitment from some top suppliers sorted.
  3. Our Web Shop has just gone live! Its been weeks in the building to make it look the way we wanted it, We have full support from our suppliers and have access to some top quality items from all over the world. We will be adding more items and more suppliers as we go but what we have is a taster of the products and services we can offer. The great thing for importing parts from Japan as well is the price you see is the price you pay. No hidden import or shipping costs. At the moment we are only geared up to offer online sales and delivery to UK and Irish customers due to website restrictions but we can obviously deliver overseas but will have to get individual shipping costs for the items as we go. Please feel free to brows around and we will happily listen to any suggestions or comments about how we can make improvements or things to add. As a special offer we are also offering a 10% discount on any products listed to the first 10 people making a purchase when the code FIRST10 is used at the checkout. Have a good weekend. TDi North http://tdi-north.myshopify.com
  4. Just give us a call on 01925289100 and can get you booked in.
  5. There isn't a database as such held anywhere. The tuners should know if cars have been done previously but I don't use registrations as people often change them so use the owners name as ref then also the reg number. We can easily check though when we plug the laptop in as it will show if it already has a licence. Power output its hard to say as you see cars with identical mods, same age varying upto 20bhp. Its how they have been driven and looked after and it makes a tremendous difference.
  6. For the Abbey enquiries best call Scott or Mark direct. I'm seeing Mark tomorrow so can discuss it with him then anyway
  7. I'm taking bookings and payments now so if people want to call me on 01925 289100 or email at info@tdi-north.com I can get people in. I am amending the first post as we go. Guess Mark will do similar.
  8. No problem with cats, decats or high flow cats, we just map the car to them accordingly. Obviously better the less restrictions there are but then you will fall foul come MOT time unless you swap them back or know a "friendly" MOT tester who is willing to swap them on the day
  9. Yeah we do Saturdays. They get booked up quickly though but calming down now race seasons finished. Can people identify where they want to get the car done (TDi North or Abbey) so we know numbers
  10. No not at all. Prefer not to have a dozen cars all rock up for a tune. I get stressed enough on dyno days as it is! Hahahaha When you call up to make payment we can just sort a date that suits.
  11. I was speaking to Mark and was going to run the offer until 31st December but if you have paid up-front for the licence/mapping before that date I can't see as though it will matter if you come in after that date. Want to be as flexible as possible but I do need the numbers committed and paid up to enable the licences to be purchased in bulk to get the discount we can then pass on.
  12. Thanks for that. So how much improvement in horsepower could I expect to see - at the wheels - from a Milltek catback? Edit - with uprev, I mean. Hello. Hard to say. Bigger diameter and smoother with the Y pipes or true twin is always going to be better. I haven't had the chance to have one car on the dyno and do a full set of back to back tests unlike what Mark at Abbey has managed plus you can even see 2 cars, same year, same motor same mods making 15bhp difference so again hard to say. Its a case of better breathing is always going to see bigger improvements in overall performance and throttle response. Sorry I couldn't be more specific.
  13. The Milltek is the best performing system but there isn't much in it. It ends up being more down to more personal preference and looks.
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