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Everything posted by iLott

  1. iLott

    New wheels! :)

    Or maybe mine are a newer revised centre cap lol, you are, but now I am too!
  2. iLott

    New wheels! :)

    Perhaps they're different through the range? Mine are the plastic bit that you see and then them domed, aluminium stickers with the logo on. But I've bought 'Z' ones yeah I like them a lot!
  3. Yeah sorry guys these are provisionally sold to Mr Matt Ross!
  4. iLott

    New wheels! :)

    I did get them but I don't want the xxr stickers so they're on there without the stickers at the moment. yeah flat black and they're 18's
  5. iLott

    New wheels! :)

    Little update! LOVING the wheels, they make my car look so so mean the michelins are fantastic and definitely do not regret spending the little but extra to get them! All thanks to CS
  6. I've heard good things about Horsham and they're only 10 minutes down the road! May give the ones in fleet a call too! thanks guys Dan
  7. So basically just want to get my car set up for fast road use and needs aligning after fitting new springs and camber arms. So anyone know anywhere near Newbury/Basingstoke/Reading they can recommend for me? Any help appreciated Dan
  8. iLott

    New wheels! :)

    I'm loving then too! Just need to find somewhere to get my car set up now! Need it all aligned and would like to get it maybe set up for fast road...
  9. Yes Buster very much like that! When I looked they only had 50mm ones and 60mm ones :/ Thanks brother!
  10. Rears - So the price I'm looking for is £425 ONO Based in Newbury, Berkshire collection much much preferred but I'm not ruling anything out if someone wants to arrange a courier to collect them. Any questions or more pictures don't hesitate to ask. Thanks Dan
  11. Basically looking for some 'z' centre cap stickers to put on my new wheels. Thanks Dan
  12. iLott

    New wheels! :)

    So finally today got my tyres mounted on my new wheels, they're XXR 527's with Michelin pilot super sport tyres! Wheels bought from Cougar Store, who always get my order because they're such awesome guys, and tyres from Camskill! Incredibly grippy from what I've experienced so far so here's some pics: Rears - Fronts - Tyre shine! - Driftworks Extended wheel nuts - This means my Rays are now up for sale, they need a refurb, but tyres are good. Approx 6mm tread on the rears and approx 5.5mm on the fronts. Rears are fairly new, and they're Bridgestone potenza RE050's all round. PM me for pics and a price. Thanks for looking! Dan
  13. Hi guys just got myself some new wheels so hopefully will have these up available by the weekend So they're coming off of my 06 plate zed, with 75k miles. They 100% need a refurb unless someone wants them for some drift wheels! The front 2 are fairly heavily corroded with rust bubbles and peeling paint. The 2 rears aren't as bad but still will need a refurb. The tyres are Bridgestone potenza RE050's, the rears have approximately 6mm tread left on them and fronts have approximately 5.5mm tread left on them! The rears are fairly new but not too sure about the fronts, although they are all mint condition. Pics: Fronts - Rears - (Paper blew away -_-) Tyres: Fronts - It won't let me upload more than six so I'll put them on the next post...
  14. iLott

    Extended wheel nuts

    See I was looking at the muteki's but the gold ones don't look as if they'll be a good match for the brembo's Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  15. iLott

    Extended wheel nuts

    So can anyone recommend me a make? I want them to be extended ones, in gold and made of steel not alloy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  16. iLott

    Extended wheel nuts

    Thats what caused all my problems i got a set of gold ones from phantom garage in the states they chewed my threads in a week and cost 75 quid and woudlnt repalce them at all no rely to emails either then got another set of gold ones but this time d1 spec nuts they screwed the threads completely so much so that the nust started to undoing driving down the road then i had to get new hub spacers and longer studed threads and i went for neo chroms forged steel ones had them a while now and no problems at all been on and off the car quite a bit and no problems at all My adivce to you is stay away from phantom garage in the usa and also d1 spec nuts and becareful on eBay there a lot of fakes about Get the best nuts you can afford We're the previous ones you had alloy or steel? I've heard a lot of @*!# about alloy ones so going to steer clear of them. Are your current ones steel? Edit: I don't read properly... I see they're steel haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  17. iLott

    Extended wheel nuts

    Jesus Christ that is a lot of money to spend on bloody wheel nuts! I think I want to go for gold ones to match my brembo's I think they'd compliment them nicely, anyone got gold ones and have a pic they can post? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  18. iLott

    Extended wheel nuts

    Driftworks sounds good. How long are the muteki ones Tarmac? Edit: just seen 34mm, looking for some a fair bit longer than that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  19. Hiii, need to get anew photo soon with settled springs and new wheels fitted but this one is just after I fitted them: The front isn't as low as I was hoping so looking back on it I would probably go for eibach. H&R are a good cheaper compromise though, ride is good and they are also good quality. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  20. I have just bought some new wheels and need myself some new wheel nuts! So I think I'd like to go for some coloured extended ones. Can anyone recommend me some that are decent quality but don't cost much as I'm on a fairly tight budget. Also pics welcomed of them on your cars Thanks in advance Dan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  21. Yeah was looking at buying some wheels, however the duty and import taxes take it ovwr the price of buying some wheels in the UK (although no where sells the wheels I want in the colour I want!) which is annoying...
  22. Just wondering has anyone had any experience with these guys, found the wheels I originally wanted for sale here at a decent price. They are based in the USA so obviously they will be imported. Has anyone ever experienced buying something large from abroad either? Thanks for any help! Dan
  23. How much is the nissan stuff from you Alex?
  24. They don't have it in stock I've been down there this morning, the castrol stuff says dex III on the bottle if that's any help
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