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  1. Iv still got them I had the DE on a 2006 it was the face lift one with VVT but I think apart from that they were the same car.👌.
  2. Yep the orange light came on every so often but I just rest it every other day. It can run all day long with the light on it just gets annoying that’s all
  3. £30 strut brace had on my car for 6 months ( sold ) £30 De-cats had on my car for about a year £10 air filter with mounting bracket (sold) £25 set off spark plugs Bosch FR 8 SPP 332 Never used got new £20 wheel nuts never fit on my car I got them second hand form on hear ( sold ) £20 Back bumper side skirts never got round to fitting them . ( sold ) I’m in the BB7 area for pick up or I can sort out postage at your cost .
  4. Iv got some de cats I had on my 2006 350z if your interested in them
  5. The head unit should be wired up to the hand brake. It will not play films until the hand brake is lifted up but that should only be on if your watching films . You can always check the manual on line , it might just need resetting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. thankyou Thanks mate, and whys that? With this weather id of understood had you said its not been clean for 6 months lol but not to drive it?! Iv done my disc in and can't drive it or my passat that's my work Taxe ðŸ˜.so got a RAV4 to play in until I'm betterðŸ˜. I can't go in the garage cos I get upset . .. And no it's clean inside and out 😠Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Zeds looking nice . Iv not moved mine out the garage for 6 months 😠Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Well it's been a long time away from the site with what life chucks at you and Iv had the zed garaged for months . But come the summer I'm hoping all to be well and back out in the zed (after a new hood is fitted anyway ) . But as Iv had the car for over 4 years and only put 15000 miles on her I am thinking of selling her . Hope ever one on here is well anyway Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Iv had that problem it's bad connections under the Seat still need to fix mine when I get chance. But just got a code reader now so it helps with all the little problem. . This forum has saved me loads of money and hassle as fixing problem as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Rev up engine was not fit in the auto only manual boxes. But the plastics and lights are the rev up ones but sadly not the engine :-( a got was of telling is the rev limiter as pointed out all ready . But it's still a nice car Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Ha I rang them up and the dropped it by £45 so it's a start will be ringing the ones on here when I get chance , it's a pain in the ass doing this every year defo could do with out it , Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Go for 20" :-) I love my rims Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. It's only slight camber but his is my Z running on 20" and lowered 30mm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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