Finished on the 19th and it was actually the last day in the job. Planning to do some supply teaching (secondary maths) in January. Not done supply before - any supply teachers out there got any advice for me? (apart from don't do it!)
Not bad Paul - but if you wanted a bigger version you could try the "grid method" - draw a square grid over the original picture then slmply enlarge the grid to suit your wall and copy the drawing onto it - try youtube. A frontal view would look good
I had this problem and the shop supplied the wrong shade - they then matched the shade the car and the new one is ok - it has a code on it - P422-7FPBB.
sounds like air is being forced out somewhere rather than sucked in - could it be the pcv pipework leading to the intake? - think you need to get your lughole a bit closer and try and pinpoint the source
I test drove one with a powerflow system before I bought mine - it sounded fab and maybe quicker because of it, but I dont know if I could've put up with it day to day.
Also..... the previous owner said he had been through 3 propshafts since he'd got it and he said the silencer was fouling it when it went over speed bumps!?