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Everything posted by gareth29

  1. I am admitting defeat in trying to get my samsung phone to work with the z's bluetooth and I am going to swap it for my wifes iphone 3gs - she seems quite pleased! This means i can use the iphone to store my music and i can then play it thru the bose. Anyway i have a few questions - Now the answers may seem obvious to some but; which lead do i need to connect it? does it connect via the headhone socket or the charging socket? will the tape player continue to work? can the iphone be charged at the same time? Sorry i the answers are out there already, but i have looked.
  2. I bought this from ebay when i was trying to diagnose the backfire problem the car was suffering from. It has been on my car, very briefly and seems to works fine. It was from a jdm car that had done 40k. I paid £18 + postage - any reasonable offer considered, (postage will be around £4)
  3. Just removed the gearbox mount (bout 2 hours if anyones interested) and here are a couple of pictures. It looks in pretty good nick, but i'd like to know if anyone has replaced an ok looking mount and still got a big improvement in shift quality - or should i just put it back together and forget about avid billet mounts? If i do go down the upgrade route who in the uk can supply one?
  4. I'd be very wary about leaving it with nissan - of the two dealers near me, neither of the parts depts them had even heard of a 350z!! It may as well have been ariel atom to them. Don't know where you are but there are a few places with z-expertise around - eg atkins in malton (nr york) is my closest and of course abbey down in surrey? I assume you have a manual - there is a pretty comprehensive fault finding table in it which may help. As another idea, have you considered checking/changing the crank sensor, as all ignition/fuelling/valve timing controls must rely on this working correctly. Good luck
  5. Followed this chap on my way home today - made me laugh and wonder WHY? He also had "Fast and Furious" plastered down the side of it. <a href="http://s1349.photobu...05849.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1349.photobu...psade05849.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 20130801_103450_zpsade05849.jpg"/></a>
  6. thanks r37 - thats what was happening - all the sparkly bits went and it looked rubbish. Cheers
  7. Will bear that in mind, thanks. I have since found out that there are 3 different shades of gunmetal (code WV2) and the paint supplier didnt ask which one I wanted!? Sounds a bit silly! They have colour matched the paint from the old wing and have supplied 2 new tins of the correct shade. Painted the first one this aft - now have some rather fetching gunmetal patches on my lawn.
  8. Just changed my discs - on the drive with scissor jack and axle stand, no problems apart from intermittent torrential rain!
  9. If you've got a new arm, its a straight swap, apparently you cant remove the ball joint anyway and assuming the bushing is ok on the new arm, you wouldnt need a press - I just replaced the bushings on mine, both sides. The biggest difficulty I had was with one of the nuts which i had to grind/chisel off. A local workshop pressed the old bushes out and the new ones in for £10. Good luck
  10. Very smart example outside Adams Tebbs Designer Kitchens - the Z complemented the shop front very nicely.
  11. Had mine regassed on saturday - there was only 110g of refrigerant in and there should be 550g. Now working nice and cold, but i'm running it constantly to make sure theres no problems with it as were planning a european jaunt later this summer
  12. Will try the software update - but i've only had it a month and it is set to auto-update anyway.
  13. Has anyone had any success with this, or should i give up i have a samsung galaxy ace s2. My wifes iphone worked immediately!!
  14. Just wondered if anyone might be interested in either of these. I was assured by the bodyshop that quoted me that they could both be repaired, though the nearside one with the damage near the indicator was more of problem because the line of the trailing edge of the panel would have to be built up with filler. No corrosion, apart from surface stuff, on either wing. I haven't checked out postage/courier costs, because of the likelihood of further damage - if anyone was interested i could wrap them up, for pick up by their courier. I'm looking for £15 each.
  15. cheers - unfortunately i didnt see your post before i started painting and in the end i just cleaned off the overspray etc with a wet cloth - main problem is that the colour is not even close to a match. The rest of the car is mucky and the new laquer needs t-cutting once its hardened, but all can say is that its an improvement over the damaged panel!!! not used photobucket before, here goes http://i1349.photobu...zps37d484c6.jpg like i said, not used photobucket before!
  16. Seems i was about to be ripped off - this guy came recommended by a friend, albeit one with deeper pockets than mine (he uses him for his hill climb single seater). Anyway I've got the paint now and its a nice day out there, little wind and so ideal for painting your z bits in the garden
  17. yes, i've been told that, also its very useful to demist the screen in winter.
  18. yes, just standard wings in primer - the bodyshop reckoned he could repair one of them and paint it for £300, so i decided to replace both and have a go myself - i have done bits and pieces in the past, but not on anything as nice as the z
  19. +1 so the only reason it should ever need a regas is if its leaking? mines booked in regas on saturday - i've run it during the hot weather and its not working at all - mind you they have regas it to find the leak dont they. Why should running it constantly make any difference?
  20. I'm poorly paid public servant (time rich at the moment but cash poor) who struggles to keep up with its appetite for super unleaded, never mind lashing out on bodyshop rates (i was quoted £500 cash plus i would have to supply/fit a new wing - if i cant make a decent job of it, i may have to go down that route. Having said that, you're not the first to say that, inc my wife, dad etc etc
  21. Currently got two new front wings to go on my project. The paint is gun metal. I assume I have to rub down the colour coat with wet and dry, prior to laquering, but the 1200 grit is just scratching it. Do I need a finer paper and if not what is the best way of getting a result worthy of my pride and joy - it was looking good before I rubbed it down! cheers
  22. sorry, i got "attack - z"s signature mixed up with yours
  23. Its the golden ratio - see ancient greek mathmeticians
  24. Nice car, with a lucky number like that you could be a maths teacher - thought I was the only one with a Z!
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