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Everything posted by Tomb

  1. Awesome glad you like it Anyone know if I need any other bits or any less bits from the list above?
  2. Hi, so the missus is asking what id like for Christmas and i quite fancy one of these http://www.caraudiocentre.co.uk/product_m-pioneer-sph-da110_p-31323.htm Other than the above said product, will these items be all i need to fit to an 04 non bose with steering wheel controls. http://incartec.co.uk/Pages/Product.aspx?P=3038 http://incartec.co.uk/Pages/Product.aspx?P=2974 http://incartec.co.uk/Pages/Product.aspx?P=2793 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-LIGHTNING-DIGITAL-AV-ADAPTER-MD826ZM-A-/171166800470?hash=item27da561a56 Also anyone had an experience with these head units? Thanks
  3. Also interested in what people have to recommend. I've used a few but can't say I'd recommend them.
  4. Sunday might be possible. Friday night i'm Fishing, Saturday i'm tracking the Zed at Combe and Sunday I should be free. Did you track the car on these wheels, or change back to stocks? If you kept the bmw wheels on... How was it on the track with the stretch and did the track marshall (inspector people) have any issues with you running stretch on the track? Saw the car today at the Wiltshire meet and it looked incredible
  5. Tomb

    VIP 350Z

    Take away the boot build and your onto a winner
  6. Yes. As it puts a protective layer between the clear coat and the envirmoment meaning the paint is less susceptible to contamination and damage.
  7. Tomb


    Jez pm me some details please
  8. Awesome is the 350z uk logo I saw on a few of the disgns on there Aswell?
  9. Yes mate just going to have a chat with a few mates (mechanics) about fitting ect. And il get back to you bud
  10. if your wanting a dark base colour the grey is good i also like the dark blues and purple. But for a brighter colour I like the battle ship blues and bluey greens, also the real light orange and pink haha.
  11. Woooo what do I win? Haha With a black car yeah it's hard to keep clean but when it is clean there nothing quite like it either Anyway just a few minutes if me flick through a load of different base colours. Obviously if there's one you like but the stripes don't quite match give me a shout ... http://youtu.be/RVPSDiJrzBo
  12. I need these and the pistons and rods you've got for sale ... Can you do a combined price for both? If so please pm me
  13. Il get cracking mate Good job I enjoy playing forza .. Suggestions added http://youtu.be/twkmhKd51tk
  14. Take a look at the link I posted before the videos haha Is it an issue the design is similar to the s14 above? If not give me a base colour you want and il work off if bud
  15. So here's round 2 for me kept it simpler and with ease of panel respraying/replacement in mind. I still can't get my xbox live to play ball so I'm afraid it's a couple more iPhone videos. First one is just one colour with strips of coloured vinyl should be pretty cheap compared to a full wrap took inspiration from here; http://www.wreckedmagazine.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/MattField.BestLookingDriftCar-525x349.jpg http://youtu.be/k6ue6I6tFts Second one really basic 2 tone nismo kit with black roof and carbon bonnet/hatch ..Would have preferred white wheels but forza doesn't give you that option?? & obviously change the sponsors to your own. http://youtu.be/8YVzZKMzvYo
  16. This is my drift car on forza in 2 different colour fades as I can never decide which one I prefer ... Sorry for the terrible iPhone vids but I have no idea how to do screen shot of the game and get them on here http://youtu.be/LixZfU6myoQ http://youtu.be/E82c5gsdSdM (Lady colour wheels optional)
  17. I think a definitive date will give you more people and better chance of getting the ball rolling. I'd be up for it but date depending (shift work) Tom.
  18. Thanks bud. Il give you a shout if it comes to it ... ðŸ‘
  19. Any pictures of the knob fitted?
  20. It's not identifying that there's any problems so therefor not able to give me and code numbers
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