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Everything posted by Tomb

  1. Yeah doesn't sound like great fun to me haha Looks like il hold out for a bit.
  2. Awesome just the guy I was hopping to hear from (after looking through other tyre threads) Yeah found them pretty shoddy as well to be fair but they came on the car so I thought I'd get the most of them until they need changing. Ekona can you recommend a decent tyre all round for around the £500 mark? Or is it really worth spending the extra cash on the MPSS?
  3. Jesus. Well it's my first ever one so I'd imagine nothing to erratic.
  4. Sorry I'm talking about just standard road tyres toyo tr1s Will the tyres wear to much or will they hang on enough?
  5. I'm thinking of doing a track day this week, but my current toyo tyres only have just over a mm of tread left. Will they be alright on the track? I know the ideal thing to do would be to replace them but I want to do all four at the same time and replace them with Michelin pss and that will have to wait til next months pay packet. Just looking for some options and advice really Thanks in advance.
  6. Got exactly the same problem, on mine same place but opposite side. I went to a body shop that I've used before and trusted they cut it out and welded new metal in but it came back worse. So I Had a little poke around the rear arches and couldn't really see a problem from there. But then I started realising moisture in the boot area of my zed (boot glass would always have condensation on it) and after stripping the back out I found that along the rust bubbled side there seemed to be a fair amount of moisture leading me to think it may be a leaky seal or something, causing it to bubble up from the inside? I haven't got any further than this at the moment but just wondering if anyone else has the same?
  7. Get them girls off that paint now! Back to the op though, yeah I find it kind of is, I mean girls seem to often have a double take .. Either it's the car or the fact I'm just so good lookin' they can't help themselves. Who knows? Hahaha
  8. Could you trace a couple of snaps from directly behind and infront to see how they sit??
  9. Message me a price for the coilovers if you change your mind again.
  10. This car ... Jesus, the things I would do to own one!
  11. Haha what problem? Spotting zed's? Or hooked on breaking bad lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Both, just finished breaking bad. Unsure what to do with life now ...
  12. What else have you tried ? AG Poorboys Carpro Megs Backtoblack Peanut butter Hairdryer Admittedly not an extensive amount but enough to get fed up with them only lasting a couple of days, a week or maybe a month. So I did some reading and tried gtec c4 and haven't turned back.
  13. Would quite like to try some of the ammo stuff, it looks like it did a good job of protecting that front lower arch, that part of my car is always getting contaminated to high heven.
  14. Gtec can't be beaten in my experience outlasts everything I've tried.
  15. That sort of reflection can only be black ..
  16. Saw this aswell! Glad it's not just me with this problem.
  17. Il just leave this here ... http://distilleryimage10.s3.amazonaws.com/3640fb4488bd11e38d3512f5b29fc5f2_101.mp4
  18. Are there any replicas (nismo v1) that are up to the same sort of quality as the real thing?
  19. If your thinking of selling tt setup give me a shout!
  20. Unfortunately I'm out now as I'm going skiing sorry chaps. 1. Humpy 2. SamN 3. Grundy225 4. Grundy225's Friend! 5. Andy James 6. Andysmee 7. zed 1990 8. Dave-350 9. A9H-RX
  21. I've used gold class for years and recently swapped to chemical guys mr pink and mr pink deffinatly comes out on top in my opinion .. It feels much slicker between the wash mit and paint than gold class. Tom
  22. 4. Humpy 3. SamN 5. Grundy225 2. Andy James 1. Andysmee 6. zed 1990 7. Dave-350 8. A9H-RX 9. Tomb Yeewwww
  23. What are the flexis on the y pipe like condition wise? Also where the tips have been scratched are they still completely round or are they mis shaped now?
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