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Everything posted by Tomb

  1. Tomb


    Was going to get some hsd duel techs but constantly seem to be not available from their store or driftworks? So has anyone got any coilovers similar sort of price up for grabs? Tom
  2. Pref in gunmetal but if not not an issue. No damage desirable but scratches and stone chips fully acceptable.
  3. Okay so at the weekend I fitted new silenced decats and ypipe .. I knew it was going to rasp and in all honestly it doesn't bother me that much. But I wouldn't mind at some point trying to make the system sound bit more tuned rather than just a raspfest every time I hit the gas! So currently the stock manifold, decats and stainless ypipe go I to a japspeed k2 , the rasp seems to be coming from the rear section. So if I fitted a higher quality .. Possibly freer flowing rear section would this help with the rasp situation? Tom
  4. First car was a 1.4 polo lowered, wheels, smoothing here and there and stealth exhuast. Great fun!
  5. On my '04 uk zed with standard cloth seats, the driver side, right hand side seat rail won't slot into place. I've taken the seat out and noticed whilst the left hand side rail is fully engaged the right hand rail barley has any contact with the little teethy/forky things.. Sorry for the lack of technical terms but I have no idea what they are called ... Any help or suggestions as it's a real pain accelerating and the seat keeps sliding right Tom Left hand rail (good) Right hand rail(bad)
  6. Tomb

    Abs light

    Would the tyre squealing not be skidding?
  7. Tomb

    Abs light

    Right just finished fitting braided brake lines, new discs and pads. Took them out and bedded them in, but no matter how hard i try now, I can't seem to make the ABS light come on ... I swear the light came on before under heavy braking? Now it just seem to squeal and stop , can't tell if it's locking or not. Tom.
  8. 1. Grundy 2. Octet 3. Beb 4. Stevod Dependent on location/date 5. Bradders 6. Will370z, Ken and Brillomaster in the zed chasing BMW 7. Andy James 8. Keyser 9. Mouthwash - Depending on location 10. Daveyboy11 11. Tomb - date/location dependant
  9. I just need to get my zorts sorted then I'm in .. Il confirm when all is sorted
  10. Yeah drive that road to uni most days! Good job on the sunstrip I tried putting one on my old s3 and it was a nightmare ended up taking it off after 5mins because the OCD kicked in as there was two small bubbles that just wouldn't go!
  11. Thought I recognised that teg .... .. Zeds looking sweet to pal.
  12. I'd be keen also .. Didn't tdi north do one not long ago?
  13. Tomb

    Snapped calliper bolt

    Mechanic is coming over tomorrow morning to take a look see how bad i did.
  14. Tomb

    Snapped calliper bolt

    Thanks of tall the replies chaps. This job seems above my skill set will just any garage be up to the job?
  15. Right today I set about attempting to change the rear discs and pads on my uk 350z with brembo, all was going swimmingly until it came to undoing the two calliper bolts holding the calliper to the hub. I spent about half hour trying to undo the top bolt, as I read they are a real pain to get undone, then suddenly the top bolt just gave and snapped!! I have the head and about 3 thread that came out the rest is still in there ... HELP!!! So I rebuilt the brakes back up and put the wheels back on so she's not just sat on the drive with no wheels on What are my options guys?! Here the bolts (well the remains) Here a rear view looking through the hub to the calliper with the rest of the bolt still in there :|
  16. Looks awesome bud! I was watching that TT kit but was to far away for me Also If your getting rid of those old wheels be sure to let me know! Tom.
  17. Tomb

    Hel brake fitting

    I'm about to fit all new discs, rotors, hel brake lines at the weekend but before I do I have a couple of questions Uno - reading through the hel bake line instructions briefly today it was saying about banjo bolts and copper washers that should have been supplied who the kit ... I diffinatly don't have either of these in the box .. And they where bought brand new?mshould they be in there or are they not need on zeds? Dos - is there a decent guide to fitting front and rear lines, disc and rotors .. Found a few but they seem to be all front .. Is it just a case of the rears are the same as the fronts? Tom.
  18. Looks awesome bud. What are you doing in the way of toe and camber correction?
  19. About 5:45 Black on dark metallic grey wheels spotted near thevliverpool Victoria roundabout then about 10 mins later a gunmetal with painted black lower front bumper (beneath grill) spotted in Ashley cross I was on the black gsr750 heading to bike night
  20. Okay can someone suggest a better tyre size incase I do get these wheels .. All the help is much appreciated.
  21. Yes full coilover suspension hsd dualtech 18x9 all round with 255/35 front and 265/35 rear
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