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About Daruna

  • Birthday 18/02/1983

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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. Daruna


    I'll take this if it's available.
  2. Daruna

    Wheel Stud Length

    Great stuff thanks Lexx. I was confused because the guy that sold me them said the studs were too short to fit the wheels.
  3. Daruna

    Wheel Stud Length

    [/url] [/url] So here's what Ive got. How can I be sure this will fit with the 350z Rays?
  4. Im stuck, Adding 15mm spacers to the back wheels. Can anyone provide me with a link to studs +15mm please?
  5. I dont see any pics, please upload some, I may be interested thanks
  6. Hi please up some pics. I thought mine had glue on it but the its the raised surface peeling off revealing whats underneath :/
  7. Thanks for comments, exhaust had a 20mm split which would account for your suspicions. Inboxed
  8. Evening all just had my Milltek catback fitted and its about half the volume of the OEM box. I'm pi**ed off about it but read about these berk test pipes in a million billion gazillion threads so ill get some and try and bring the V6 out. If anyone has a better source than ebay please share. [mod edit: image removed. This is a family friendly forum]
  9. Thanks lol I'm a quick worker but a master of daft designs unlike that genius nob sock. Im going to put a white and black k-swiss sock on mine haha
  10. My work here is done, finally my retirement plan is in place. Call me Daruna "Dyson" or something.
  11. I am a design engineer. Will have to fire up Inventor and draw a nob cooler. Lets face it in these hot summers we all need one.
  12. Right, thanks for the information, its not the end of the world. British weather allows for another 3 days of sunshine before the winter sets in again anyway. As for: When I made this post i was on the phone to the financial services ombudsman lodging a complaint about Bennetts bike insurers. I have since cooled down and don't feel to bad about being robbed blind by Bennetts, I'm going to take them to small claims court and use the compo to get some Nismo toys for my car haha.
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